My school (PSU DuBois) is hosting a LAN party...


Hey guys,

I know that you most likely assume I'm a noob, but I'm not... I just haven't really had the time to become a member, even though this site has been my life since 2000. Anyway... yes, I'm a junior in college, and this weekend (the 21st to be exact) my school is hosting a huge ass LAN party, code-named: Game Day XI.

When I was a freshman in high school, back in the fall of 2002, I heard of PSU DuBois' Game Day... but since it was mostly PC, I didn't really give it a shot. I didn't attend a Game Day until my freshman year of college (Fall of '06). It was then that I realized how much I really enjoyed online gaming with about 40 other people all in one building.

Every semester we host Game Day, a Saturday event that has drawn about 150 kids from all the local high schools and even some college kids as well (Edinboro, other PSU campuses, even the CMU guys show up) for a day of gaming festivities. The building we host Game Day in holds about 100+ top of the line PC's (equipped with Vista, 3 Gigs of Ram, and ATI Radeon 9600X series video cards) as well as 8 XBox 360's and a Wii to boot. We also have 4 42" LCD TV's that output HDMI, and the Wii is going on the freakin' projector in our one lab. In order to keep the kids happy, we do offer snacks and pizza half-way through the event, although we have it locked down so that way nobody spills stuff all over the equipment. We use 4 labs to game in... all of them are hooked into a network that is completely administrated by myself and other IT Club members, and we pretty much rule the roost if you will. Game Day also features tournaments and prizes, although most of the prize money comes from the funds we have no use for at the moment... pretty much Game Day enables us to buy new video cards, new games, more TV's, etc... it's a necessity for survival since none of the other clubs, even the student government association, care for us. ((we're nerds... no biggie. :D ))

Anyway, my point is this. I want to share this with all of you because I'm proud to be a part of it. There is NO OTHER PSU CAMPUS that hosts an event such as this... we're the only campus that has an ACADEMICALLY APPROVED game server which hosts non-stop Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Team Fortress 2 games non-stop 24/7.

I'm proud to be apart of a technical major (IT), and I'm also proud to be the vice-president of the IT Club at PSU DuBois, which is hosting the event on Saturday. I'll post some pictures if this forum manages to stay alive, but I just wanted to get the word out there that even in college, gaming lives on and is quite AWESOME.

Does anybody else know of a college that hosts LAN's? O.o

EDIT: We have a website if you guys want to check out photos from the last Game Day. It's - this is where the kids register for Game Day. Check it out if you want to, but by no means are you forced to do so. It should also be pointed out that Game Day lasts 7 HOURS... no shit. :P
Sounds very cool. Cooler if you didn't just play FPS games, but maybe that's just me.

I haven't been to a real LAN party in a VERY long time.
My school is HS, but yes we do have something similar to that, except we specialize mostly in console playing. Our gamer's night has just about every major console system, as far back as Atari 2600, then we have all the modern systems to use of course. Pretty much its one big LAN party for consoles since we hook up our consoles and have tournaments. What we lack currently are the PC's to pull off the big LAN parties, our CPUS lack the power for modern games, but can play Warcraft III and Starcraft. Damn admins on the system wont allow this however, but we do it anyways during school hours, heh I played Counter Strike the whole time in my Computer classes by bringing my flash drive and sharing it, LAN parties! But anyways yeah a lot of places have gaming events, while ours lacks in PC LAN parties we do have quite a good selection of other games.
used44 said:
I remember getting detention for playing Unreal Tournament in high school.

I liked my teacher, she allowed us to play video games after we finished all our work , being how easy the class was in the first place, made me go through my work and finish it in around 30 minutes, leaving me an hour of free time. She knew I was already adept at computers anyways, because I got straight A's in the class, so I was always allowed to play, loved that class... Most of my friends were good with computers anyways so they were done when I was done, so we always had around 10 people playing a LAN party on Counter Strike, was good times! especially when my friend brought the CS zombie-mod.
Every computer class I had last year was spent playing Empire Earth 2. Good times. :D

And yeah, it's a great idea.
Briggsred said:
used44 said:
I remember getting detention for playing Unreal Tournament in high school.

I liked my teacher, she allowed us to play video games after we finished all our work , being how easy the class was in the first place, made me go through my work and finish it in around 30 minutes, leaving me an hour of free time. She knew I was already adept at computers anyways, because I got straight A's in the class, so I was always allowed to play, loved that class... Most of my friends were good with computers anyways so they were done when I was done, so we always had around 10 people playing a LAN party on Counter Strike, was good times! especially when my friend brought the CS zombie-mod.

Yeah, our PC teacher was cool with it too. But it was the Principal who "caught" us -- and when that happened, the teacher didn't stick his neck out to defend us. :/ It was okay though. Just detention.
My tech school tries to hold 4 LAN parties a year, but the board of boreducationers doesn't allow us to play any FPS.
used44 said:
I remember getting detention for playing Unreal Tournament in high school.

We lost our school computer passes, because of playing Action Quake and Counterstrike :(
haha, i graudated from a Catholic HS... it was so gay. there were so many freakin' restrictions on dress code and stuff; i couldn't even bring my CD player into school to listen to music before class.

Anyway, back on subject... I can understand how you guys feel about us only playing FPS. Things are starting to turn around though... I just finished experimenting with NFS on one of our machines and it actually ran nice; so perhaps we'll be able to throw something together later on. De-Ting, that kinda blows how yo ucan't play FPS... but still, at least you have FOUR a year... I have two... and I can't really play because I'm too busy running servers.
used44 said:
I remember getting detention for playing Unreal Tournament in high school.

Heh, Doom 2 and Quake III, plus UT 2004 secretively downloaded into hidden folders on the drives. Good times as well. :P
Well Game Day XI was successful, even though we had a somewhat low turnout due to the nice weather. Anyway, we had about 110 kids show up and it was pretty thumpin'. Battlefield 2, Call of Duty 4, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike ruled the PC end of things while Halo 3 and RockBand 2 held the 360's above ground. The Wii was even popular with RE: Umbrella Chronicles and Wii Play.

All in all, good times. :P
-SLiNKY- said:
used44 said:
I remember getting detention for playing Unreal Tournament in high school.

Heh, Doom 2 and Quake III, plus UT 2004 secretively downloaded into hidden folders on the drives. Good times as well. :P

That was how I got my games into the system initially by hiding them in folders. How I did this was mainly by logging on my teachers account (the guy trusted me, gave me his PW and everything, I wasn't going to put viruses on there, sure he knew anyways by the logs if I did). And putting them in folders. You see, having good relations with a teacher actually pays off, always.

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