If you could be any videogame character...

Nathan Drake

Good looking chap, can smash any girl he wants, always on amazing adventures.

Can't think of anything I'd do differently.

The only other character that I could think of that would top him would be someone who is discovering space/the universe for the first time, and can travel around at will. If such a character exists, I want to be that one. If not, Nathan Drake.
Hard not to want to be the Dragonborn, Argonian style.

...that's the only one that comes to mind right now that's not hilarious. For instance, I'd be the Heavy Weapons Guy, calling everyone babies and eating sanviches while marching merrily to my death, aftervhich I just respawn and grab another sandvich.
Longo_2_guns said:
Original Lara Croft.

Don't go to tombs, stay home and touch boobs instead.
I'd go for the reboot one. That look of innocence does things to me.
Would see if i could make the face in the mirror while touching

Also, no mention of if we need to be in their world or if we simply wake up tomorrow as them. Because if i don't have to live in the shit future, being the 7ft+ tall badass that is the master chief would be sweet.
Donkey Kong. I would rule Donkey Kong Country with an Iron Ground-Pounding Fist. No crocs would unseat me from my throne. Also I would subjected the other Kongs, none of this namby-pamby laying about stuff. I don't go out and collect bananas, you do. Also I would travel my land on rhino back because...who wouldn't.


Prepare to feel the pain all up in dat ass, Klump.
I'd love to be Lo wang from the shadow warrior remake. He got a kick-ass Mansion in suburb Tokyo, a big comic collection and learns to have fun in small pleasures in life. Even with the odds against him.

But if i want to be one badass Asian, i'd be Wei Shen, model triad enforcer, master of kicks and earner of street respect... well minus all the stress and the crying at bed, drinking tequila and punching holes into the walls over the memories of your dying friends.... actually scratch Wei Shen.

Hmm then i say I'd like to be Andre Bishop from Fight night Champion. When i was a kid, i always wanted to be a professional boxer. And i do appreciate a Hero's journey. From the gutters to the glory, not from luck but through sheer determination and an undying will, one punch at a time. I am envious of that... and of his father's legacy... why can't i have a father like his? Sigh...

And then, i'd love to be Sheppard from mass effect. Going to space, going on wacky adventures, one night stands with the crew and even all the above if possible.

Oh and i guess The cat lady too. She may seem depressing at first sight but she got lots of moment of badass to make it up for it.
De-Ting said:
DocMoc said:
Mario because I just "get" him, you know? Always chasing princesses in other castles.
Really? You'd pick Mario over Bowser?
I got to admit, my monocle fell into my tea cup. I mean look at your avatar for goodness sake!
Link, so I can make him talk basically.

That's right people - Link's fucking British.

I'd probably like to be Kratos, but after he becomes a god - b/c all that stuff up until then would just scare the crap out of me.

I'd also drop my whole vendetta act and just spend time creating Demi-gods with hot mortals.
^Ha.. I'm one bad day away from saying "fuck it" and becoming that guy. Its weird how that isn't too off-base from what my apt already looks like.
Link would be cool, because you would go on crazy adventures and save Hyrule.

Commander Shepard would be pretty cool too but to be fair that would also be a dark, sad life to live.

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