I have no idea whats going on


Have you ever played a game were the story is so complicated you got no idea wtf is going on? The other day I picked up a gameboy advanced with a ton of games at a yard sale for 50 bucks. One of those games being Zoids Legacy.

So I think I made it half way through it (I think) and so far I am so lost in the story. But I can't stop playing just so I can beat it. Anyone else ever been in this dilema?
Final Fantasy 12....I got the beginning, ok yes Vaan has a brother. then it went political, REAL political.

Then I switched off and levelled for ages.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Vaan? VAAN!

Bash von Rottenburger(sp?) had the brother! Jeez.

Basch fon Ronsenburg but Rottenburger sounds like a food item you could get at a cheap gas station or something or just like the name sounds a rotten burger
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

First, everybody wants to talk using the codec. Then your so-called girlfriend tries to get you to tell her about your days as a child soldier and trying to get you to angst. Then she tells you she's pregnant and tells you that she's a spy for the patriots or whoever they are. Then she and the colonel stop making sense. Then you found out the colonel wasn't real all the long and the whole mission was a sham. Then an Asian chick popped out of nowhere on your little radar thingy. Then you fight 25 Metal Gear Rays. And as if shit isn't crazy enough, Ocelot got possessed by Liquid, whom you killed 5 fucking times in the last game. Fun game though.
The whole plot of the Metal Gear Solid series was a convoluted mess until you finished Metal Gear Solid 4 when it answered all your questions with a movie inside of a game
We all know Reks had nothing to do with the actual story.

But Gabranth/Noah...that dude was pivotal...okay, so I completely forgot about Vaan's brother.
See, I for one have had no problem with ANY of the games listed here.

I think you guys are just inferior to me.
I thought I had a good grasp on the story of MGS up until I managed to play through MGS4 at a friends house (I don't have a ps3). I thought the games were just insanely preachy, redundant, and very blunt, but when 4 came out and tried its very best to bring back every single character in the entire series for the ending, I thought it turned from confusing to an absolute mess. Of course, the gameplay was also pretty much shit, considering I ran through most of the levels, LMG blazing, so yeah, pretty displeased in general. Also how do you bring back characters from MGS 3 and put them in MGS4. MGS4 is 50 years after MGS3, and most of the characters in that game were well into their adulthood, except for Ocelot. Eva aged pretty well considering she must have been some 80 years old.
FF12 was SOOOOOO confusing. I stopped paying attention to the plot and picked up what I could. I think I got everything by the end of it all.
Yeah i just remember giving up on the story at some point and just got licenses, espers, and leveled up at some just because I wanted some new awesome weapons and summons


That is all... And i am not trolling.

Oh and Assassin creed 2. Number one was straight upward in plot, but number two would make the history channel blush.
Bretimus_v2 said:
We all know Reks had nothing to do with the actual story.

But Gabranth/Noah...that dude was pivotal...okay, so I completely forgot about Vaan's brother.

True, it never came up again and I think I got close to the final battle (never completed it *cough*). But Reks was the only interesting part of the story anyway! The rest was as boring as watching paint dry, then watching it crack and then slowly but surely crumbling to dust.

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