I don't know what to buy

PS3 (wait till christmas) or XBOX360 (get it now)

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XBOX 360 or PS3?
I got into this debate recently on which I should buy... I was all up about buying the XB0X360 on June 1 for the Godfather, however after looking at the PS3 I read it was more powerful and the graphics were going to be better than the Xbox, however it would be costing upwards of $500. So I'm asking what I should be getting.... If you are willing to help me out which I thank you in advance for, I'd like to make it apperant that I do have some criteria as well.....

1) Not the Wii (nintentdo hasnt been fun since Goldeneye)
2) my genres are sports (football and baseball) and GTA esque games so if this great Magic RPG is coming out, I'm really not intrested. oh and Indiana Jones, which I heard is coming out for PS3. Godfather, Scarface, Saints Row, NCAA Football/Madden are all on my BUY THESE list
3) The online play does not interest me
4) I have ps2 now
5) I really just dont wanna regret the decision

so if you are willing to help that would be much appreciated
PS3, even if the online dosen't matter to you if you decide you want to try it, it's free!

The console is japanese, and Playstation usually has a plethora of RPG's even though the 360 is getting some of its own. And the tempting Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

But yea....i'd have to say PS3 from your situation.

Plus you have a PS2 now. You can play your PS2 games you already have on your PS3, and just sell your PS2 as...........money..........towards.........a PS3! lol

I'm going to get a job. Yea this generation is going to be expensive....
Hellfire he said he didn't care about RPGs.

I really can't say that would be better for you, since your proporties seem to be a polar opposite of mine. If you have the money to buy a 360 now, then go ahead and buy one and get a PS3 sometime in the future...if you need a lot of time to save up the money then just start saving and come to a decision when there's really more to go buy.

But your selling yourself short by not considering the Wii, it's the cheapest option and will give you something new. Its expected that by the time the PS3 comes out you'll be able to get a 360 and Wii for the price of one PS3....which has caused a lot of Nintendo and Mircosoft fanboys to unite under what is now called...the Wii60.

Not that fanboys have ever been a good reason to make your desicion...but neither is hype...
I'll admit that Elder Scrolls looks cool, I've seen it for 360 and for PC. Its just that using magic in games does not appeal to me (except in the case of Kingdom Hearts, but that is because I am a disney fan).
Will the Wii have the games that gamecube never had? ie Mature games
just because nintendo is the cheapest option doesn't mean its the better option, and that because he's not into nintendo (like most males who grew up in the snes era, it offers us little now) does not eman he's selling himself short

neither does the ps3 being half a months wages for me mean it's good, nor does the xbox being the middle

realistically it's about the experience he;s looking for, graphical supperiorty? ps3, but you mention how rpg's arent your bag, ps2 has a larger ammount of rpg's than the other consoles, so perhaps the 360 may be more bang for your buck
I'd say PS3, only cause I'm a huge MGS fan and MGS4 looks incredible.

Plus, you have a PS2 which means you have PS2 games. The PS3 plays PS2 games so you can always sell your PS2 for 50 bucks to pay for a PS3 game. You don't care about online and all your fave sports games will be on the PS3 so go for that!

The only bad thing about getting a PS3 is that it will cost a lot and you better believe the 360 will drop in price once the PS3 launches in order to compete with it. But if you've got enough saved for it then do it up!

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