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Being vegetarian is mostly an option but some people take it to the extreme. For example, some suggest that people who hurt animals should be punished instead. I don't like the way in which some type of vegetarians are trying to convert everyone else to their lifestyle. It's ok if they choose not to because they feel sorry for the animals who are being hurt and killed but why some of them look down on you if you eat something with meat in it in front of them?!

At the same time, I can see why they are doing it. But I think vegetarians believe all animals have the same rights as humans.

Huh... isn't that the same thing you Christians do?
Why has no one called on him and said he's not muslim....not even Mama Judy who seems to have a stricter hold than even Randy?
Longo_2_guns said:

"Well, I am against a muslim in the office of president. Do you realize that would be like the citizens of 1942 America voting for a citizen of Japan or Germany for president?"

lmao. DO YOU REALISE!? If not it's because either A) YOU'RE GOING TO HELL or B) it's...Not true in the slightest.

Also, gotta get this t-shirt from Maynard's site:

That last topic linked is disgusting. I've bypassed paying attention to the actual subject matter and looked at 'Mama Judy' is perfectly content with turning away from dictionary definitions in favour of her own skewed view of the language, the fact that she's also assuming due to his name he is Muslim AND therefore a member of a religion which 'vows hatred for Christians and Jews' (a view I find incredibly hypocritical given their obvious opinions towards other religions), and the fact that Bro Randy seems to think that churches have a right to exclude whoever they want from them (and what happened to being welcoming to all?).

I have an opinion on randy. I think he is no older than me or maybe a little younger. I believe someone in his church asked him to make website to do an out reach ministry. And who do they asked? The nerdy pimply face nineteen year old with one eye on the bible and the other on his keyboard. He has made comments proving his ignorance towards even knowing his on christian sect.

I have posed on that site for awhile now, and during that period I've corrected randy a few times on his use of verses. He then never post my message, and corrects his message. I've even corrected another user, which he then states I've sinned some how. When I continue to clarify to him in another post, he copy and paste what I've said to make it look like it's coming from his own words; And of course, never posting what I've said.

I've posed as an extreme fundamentalist for over three months now. What I've concluded is that Randy Ross knows little to nothing about the bible; or his own FUNDAMENTALIST BELIEFS. Even though I'm an agnostic, I have proven that I have more knowledge about his own sect of religion and the bible he preaches out of.

randy's beliefs are just that, his beliefs. Every bible verse he takes out of context to suit his own needs, I've found another that contradicts him; and have shown it to him in his face.
If ross is really a 38 year old youth leader like he claims. Then he is truely immature... even if he is really 19 years old.

Randy if you are reading this, everyone knows you fail as a person, christian, and youth leader... Now everyone knows you fail as a fundamentalist.
Frodo_Bag_Feet said:
I have posed on that site for awhile now.

You are a genius... you've just given us the key to attacking the fanatic element directly, without breaking any laws (like I care... your American laws mean little to me) or even breaking any ToS!

We all sign up to Teens-4-Christ's message boards posing as fanatic christians. We play the role well enough that we go undetected.

Eventually Randy finds out (won't take long, I bet) and begins to suspect every new member at his board is one of us, and so is convinced that his preaching is falling on ever deafer ears. He eventually knows that we are all "secretly" mocking him on his own board. From there, it's just a matter of time.
^ I hate to say it, but may just work. I'm in no way saying it is right or that I would participate in it (I think we should just leave the whole T4C thing alone and move on) but that certainly would make Randy paranoid...
Ok, I gotta bump this topic.
Check this shit out:
One thing i noticed was this: "This is sad! What is the world coming to? Many, many years ago this wouldn't be such an issue. It's sad that we have to fight so hard to keep this abomination out of schools."
Did you know that until recently, it was illegal to be openly homosexual.
Every post I read makes me think that these people want to live back in the 17th century, when everyone hugged the bible, women were inferior to men and people of different races and beliefs were ridiculed, prejudiced against, killed, and enslaved.
/\ Yeah I did, it went down like a lead shit in a polythene bag though.

[EDIT] After reading the topic I found this quote from our Randy rather humourous:

Bro Randy said:
Should this be taught in schools? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It is a RELIGIOUS matter. By teaching this garbage, they are patently endorsing an 'anti-religion', they are teaching a doctrine in clear opposition to the Word of God.

Why do I find it funny? Well because they could use that argument for EVERYTHING. Don't want evolution to be taught? Cry that it's a religious matter by violating the word of God (which it doesn't but let's face it, these people are warped), how about contraception? "Tis the work of the devil!". Teenage pregnancy? "Sinners! Whores and sinners!".

God damn hypocrites.

srry if im out of touched (been away), but why has no one commented on their thingy with the daily mefisto and their ymtnd thingy?
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