How much do you read?

This april fools post from NPR almost got me. ... eam_ref=10

I haven't read a book in way too long though. What was the last thing you read and why did you read it? Did you finish it? How long was it?

I think the last book I read was something from my shelf before I got rid of a bunch of stuff. I read stuff online all the time but that's not really the same thing is it?
I hardly read jack anymore, but I'm trying to write my own book. Go figure. I whipped out my copies of Mossflower and High Rhulain for some inspiration, but I haven't cracked them open yet on account of not having the time.
I read a fair amount.

Game Theory for Applied Economists
Name of the Wind
The Divergent Series

I read a ton for work though on top of enjoyment reading.
i read a lot of books.

Some political, mostly fiction - sci-fi - fantasy.

Grew up reading R.A. Salvatore.
during high school college got into political, drug culture, sci-fi and historical books like 1984, Doors of Perception, John Grisham, etc.
Currently making my way through Eve: Templar One and Tony Gonzales books.

Favorite Series: War of the Spider Queen.
I always have either adobe reader or sumatra pdf open with a book, often 2 at once to read through.

Lately i'm re-reading through The Salvation War: Armageddon + Pantheocide.
Last thing I read was The Silmarillion. Me and my friends gave each other life achievements and one of mine was to read that. It was fudging hard.
I would read a lot more if I could find someone to recommend me books. Now almost my only reading happens at holidays where I randomly pick one book to finish.

Long commute to work used to be awesome for getting reading time, but now that's gone.
Sourdeez said:
Do school books count?

madster111 said:
I always have either adobe reader or Sumatra pdf open with a book, often 2 at once to read through.

I only use my nexus 7 for magazines, not really books. I don't think I can get into digitized novels because I need a physical book. Now more than before I feel like having a library of books on my shelves as trophies - also for parties their pretty good convo starters.
Affen said:
I would read a lot more if I could find someone to recommend me books. Now almost my only reading happens at holidays where I randomly pick one book to finish.

Long commute to work used to be awesome for getting reading time, but now that's gone.

Well what do you like?

I'm a pretty big reader my Kindle usually stays with me wherever I go. Right now I'm working my way through The Stand.
Green_Lantern said:
Well what do you like?

Books like The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo from Dumas are my all time favorites.

So some sort of adventure style stories set in the past? Murder mysteries like Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes are really enjoyable for me, aswell other mystery/treasure hunt stories like Da Vnci code and the Dirk Pitt stories.
Green_Lantern said:
In the same vein, who are y'alls favorite author?

Kurt Vonnegut is mine.

You said Kurt Vonnegut, I heard Erich von Däniken for a split second for some odd reason.. :?

Mine: R. A. Salvatore, Christopher Hitchens, & R. L. Stine.
Vonnegut is really good and he has more than one good book.

I really love Twain and Robert Jordan and Stephen King.
I like Vonnegut, but I like William Gibson a lot too. When I was growing up I loved Twain because it made me laugh, but over time he's worn on me. I tried reading his late-published biography and couldn't stand it.

I don't think I've ever read a Stephen King novel. If I could only read one, which would you recommend?

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