How about a game about gladiators?


While I was reading a book about 1st century Rome, I thought of an idea for a game. Picture an action-adventure game, with RPG elements based around the whole idea of gladiators in the Colosseum. At any time during the game, you have access to 10 or so Gladiators. Each would be unique from the other, having a different weapon set, gender, race, or skill set (think fast and weak vs. slow and strong, or close range vs. long range). The main bulk of the game would consist of 3 different types of events:

1) Battles between gladiators. These could be 1 on 1, 2 on 2, or even more.

2) Battles between gladiators and entire armies of soldiers or other such typical fodder. These events would be akin to most hack and slashers.

3) Battles between gladiators and exotic animals. I'm talking lions, rhinos, tigers, elephants, deer, panthers, bears, dogs, and anything else ferocious.

All of these events would be available online, so friends could compete with or against each other. I suppose there would also be a shop, where you could spend prize money won in events on glorious/sexy outfits, new weapons, and more.

How cool would it be to take on a couple of angry elephants with 3 friends? Of course, the game would be rated M, so none of the gore infamously associated with the Colosseum would be left out.

I know this isn't the most spectacular idea, but I think it could be somewhat mindless fun. After all, this period in time hasn't really been touched upon by many games, so the setting would be fresh and interesting. Anyways, what do you guys think?
Done, like a thousand times, in fact, I have a XBox game called...Gladiators :o how shocking :shock:

Edit: I really should read the rest of the post, but yeah I think that idea would sounds like fun, and when you mean sexy, please tell me like clothing that are basicly strings? Now That would be a great game, like DDA: volleyball, in a gladiator setting and swords... oh yeah
it's been done before, like a few people have said. though your on-line deal would be cool. also, i'd add the chariot races to add a bit more variety. those things were brutal back in ancient rome.
I would actually like a game about fighting Greek mythological beasts. Kind of already done in God of War with the Hydra etc. And Hercules probably had a few, but I mean an RPG thingy or something.

Ah screw it, I just want to fight the Minotaur!
MattAY said:
I would actually like a game about fighting Greek mythological beasts. Kind of already done in God of War with the Hydra etc. And Hercules probably had a few, but I mean an RPG thingy or something.

Ah screw it, I just want to fight the Minotaur!

Titans Quest? :)
Gladiator games get done over and over and they never really work. They have the potential to be good but never are.
Yeah go for Gladius for the Playstation 2 and possibly other systems from that generation. The basic premise is that you're running a team of Gladiators that competes in turn-based arena combat in a gigantic tournament. You recruit gladiators and can really mix and match a lot, there are many different unit types, and you further customize them by choosing their new skills as they level up and purchasing many different weapons, armor, and items for them. There are multiple types of magic users, 5 or 6 different types; a couple different archers and spear throwers; different heavy, medium, and light melee units; recruit-able animals, giant insects, undead, and monsters like ogres and minotaurs. You could only recruit up to somewhere around 20 characters, so you had to play through a couple of times before you could really get the feel of all the characters, and that's fine because...

There are two different campaigns, with some hero characters that you'll start with and a few more you'll pick up as you go. You travel from city to city purchasing items, fighting in the local arena leagues, and picking up the occasional quest or challenge. There are over a hundred arena battles to fight, from duels to big old brawls or battles with various themes like two of your fighters of your choice against wave after wave of wolves, or battles where only spell casters are allowed. It received a decent grade on GR, a B I think. It does have a cooperative two player option where each player picks what units they want to bring to the arena and then controls them, which is fun. It would be a boring game to just watch though. Definitely not fast moving. There are a few skills that are kinda lame and never get used, and a few character types that are pretty gimped or overpowered, but mostly they're balanced and fun to use.

That's as close to the game you're wanting as I can think of. There are quite a few gladiator games out there but, aside from Gladius, the ones I've tried were all single-player hack 'n' slash with few RPG elements, and weren't very fun. I've never tried Shadow of Rome though, or Swords and Sandals.

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