GR's top 10 games of 2005!


Lets see what GR's 10 fave games of 2005 are!
Write out a top ten list, #1 on your list will count as ten points, #2 will count as nine, #3 will count as eight, etc.

After a week's time, I'll add up all the points and make a GR top 10 list! It may not be all that original, but let's take a look back on what games we loved this year!

My list
#1 Resident Evil 4
#2 Dragon Quest VIII
#3 God of War
#4 Shadow of the Colssus
#5 Ultimate Spiderman
#6 Black and White 2
#7 Devil May Cry 3
#8 Conker: Reloaded
#9 Doom III
#10 The Suffering 2
1) Resident Evil 4
2) God of War
3) Devil May Cry 3
4) F.E.A.R.
5) Call of Duty 2
6) Shadow of the Colssus
7) Gun
8) Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
9) Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
10) NHL 2K6

LOL! 8 + ) = 8)
Ooh! Here goes.

1. Half-life 2 (xbox)
2. Devil May Cry 3 (PS2)
3. Res Evil 4 (GC)
4. Doom 3 (xbox)
5. God of War (PS2)
6. Far Cry Instincts (xbox)
7. Ninja Gaiden Black (xbox)
8. Mario Kart DS (DS)

Havn't played anything else so mind-blowing it springs to mind. Will prob edit this list.
10. Devil May Cry 3
9. We Love Katamari
8. GTA Liberty City Stories
7. Mario Kart DS
6. Shadow of the Collosus
5. Call of Duty 2
4. Doom 3
3. God of War
2. F.E.A.R
1. Resident Evil 4

This is the list based on what I think GR will do, not my personal list.
1. Condemned
2. The Suffering: Ties That Bind
3. God of War
4. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
5. We Love Katamari
6. Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
7. Quake IV
8. Doom III
9. Fatal Frame III
10. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
As far as I know, Doom 3 came out in 2004 not 2005. Actually it most definitly came out before half life 2 in august I think Unless you are talking about the xbox version. If so, yes that did come out quite recently this year..My fave games of this year are few, because I feel 2005 has been a bit boring. I am also only rating games I have got and that I have played through.

1.Resident Evil 4

I will update this list I just have to think. All my good games are at least from 2004.
#1 Dragon Quest VIII
#2 Nintendogs
#3 The Movies
#4 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
#5 We Love Katamari

That's all for 2005.
#1 Fatal Frame III
#2 The Movies
#3 God of War
#4 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
#5 Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
#6 Condemned
#7 Black and White 2

Come on guys! You don't even have to have a complete list. Just list your fave games of 2005 in order! Those who have posted already kick ass!
We Love Katamari
God of War
Dragon Quest VIII
GTA: Liberty City Stories
Ninja Gaiden Black
Call of Duty II
Quake IV
1. Dragon Quest VIII
2. RE4
3. God of War
4. Liberty City Stories
5. Nintendogs
6. Niinja Gaiden Black
7 Call of Duty 2
9 Devil May Cry III
10. FEAR
1 ) Shadow the Hedgehog(GC)

2 ) Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness(GC)

3 ) Resident Evil 4(GC)

4 ) Doom 3(Xbox)

5 ) Mario Kart DS(DS)

6 ) Need For Speed: Most Wanted(Xbox)

7 ) Need for Speed: Most Wanted(PSP)

8 ) Yu-Gi-Oh! Nightmare Troubadour(DS)

9 ) Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team(DS)

10 ) Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones(GC)
1. God of War
2. Resident Evil 4
3. Half-Life 2 (xbox)
4. Soul Calibur 3
5. Shadow of the Colossus
6. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
7. Mercenaries
8. Ratchet: Deadlocked
9. Liberty City Stories
10. We Love Katamari
Alright guys, either tomorrow or Thursday I'll stop the game and make a list ogf the top ten games of 2005 voted by you guys!

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