

How do you feel about griefers? It seems like any game I go into here lately there's always griefers. Well I don't really play that many games multiplayer due to lack of a job. The ones I do/have played have griefers in it. Which they're games that are easily grief-able compared to something like COD, or Battlefield. Even then there are still griefers in ANY game.

Do any of you grief? Why do you do it?

The only time I can remember griefing professionaly like all these little caulk suckers out there is in a racing game. Driving backwards, blocking the track. That's about it. Maybe grief an asshole in Battlefield, or grief a griefer. That's about it. I don't do it. I want to enjoy the game, and I really do want other people that I'm playing with to enjoy the game too. Well as long as I can still win :p

Mainly what I want to know is if you grief, or have griefed before why did/do you do it?
To give perspective I used to play wow on a rp-pvp server. I really enjoyed the world pvp outside tarren mill in vanilla. But eventually I actually outgrew pvp. I enjoyed pvp every once in awhile but really PVE and working together is what I wanted to play MMOs for.

For the most part I could get all my pvp fill on a pve server and just join a battleground which brought me to the question, Why would I be on a pvp server just for the chance for someone to come along and start attacking me? I didn't find it fun anymore even when I won. It was just an annoyance.
I stopped playing wow because they ruined other parts of the game though.

Watchdogs is going to allow people to enter others peoples worlds and hack things around them which I think I would be the only person who would actually try to help other people. I suspect(More like know) that almost everyone will spend their time griefing other people and trying to fuck them up.

I guess defining griefing would be a good practice. Killing someone repeatedly in a game because they are unskilled like bf3? Thats not griefing. Thats just them sucking. Killing your own team members just to be a dick? Thats griefing. And don't get me wrong, Fucking with your friends can be fun when its time to be funny but its not ok when its serious time and its not that fun if your doing it to a person you aren't actually friends with.

As for shit talking Ive never been into it. I will mute you if all you do is talk shit. If you really want to help your teammate don't be a dick and shit talk them. Give the person constructive criticism and tips for getting better and only if they actually want to improve. Some people just want to play even if they suck and leave it at that.

Some people just find it far too easy to be a dick on the internet because of the whole anonymity thing. A lot of them couldn't get away with being such a prick in the rest of their lives so they find it a great opportunity to feed that kind of a beast inside of them.
Who griefs the griefers?

I do. I play a lot of LoL. I don't dedicate a ton of time but I enjoy it quite a bit. But I absolutely hate people who give tons of criticism. It is a game.

I stopped using a mic though when I realized that no one uses them tactically.

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