GR Fantasy Football Info

Doesn't really matter, I'm not going to make it into the playoffs this year. But it still felt good to avenge that huge loss.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Doesn't really matter, I'm not going to make it into the playoffs this year. But it still felt good to avenge that huge loss.

You deserve kudos for that. Can't tell you how many times I've played fantasy football and gotten annoyed because some guy has had a poor season and just stops managing their team. Yeah, easy win, but still, go out with a little pride.
Agreed, I muffed one game this season where I completely dropped the ball, but I was already doing horrible by then.
I'm also the commissioner of my league and I've done a shit job of collecting dues, so everything is bound to turn into a major shitstorm in two months.
used44 said:
I'm also the commissioner of my league and I've done a s*** job of collecting dues, so everything is bound to turn into a major shitstorm in two months.

Same here in my other league...Im just praying I win so I don't have to deal with it.
Not fantasy but its football so what the hell, the Dolphins won yayyyyy!! Buuuut I wan't them to lose because everyone and their mother is saying that Luck is the most can't miss prospect since Peyton. The Dolphins have had an ungodly amount of useless masses that call themselves QB since Dan the Man retired, so I would really like to have some stability at the most important position in football. Is it wrong to want the team you cheer for to lose? They clearly have nothing to play for this year so why not have a chance at being good for the next decade?
Ah, fantasy football, the one time of the year when two completely different classes of people mingle in beautiful harmony, sports fans, and video gamers.

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