Games that were awesome... but are not anymore.


SO i was having a chat with tom- over in the gr chat talking about games that we played when we were young boys... how awesome they were during those days...

but now... since we are older we talked about the replay value of those games...

such as doom... mario... zelda... sonic... ect ect any classic or even not so classic games that you thought were awesome as a child that you just simply cannot play anymore...

name some and state your reasons why.
oneshotstop said:
I used to play Raptor: Call of the Shadows like ALL the time.

Now I wish for the same game with updated graphics.
SAME i would always beg my parents for the full version since I'd beat the demo levels like 100000 times... I had credits coming out of my ears.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Just that I've played it so much in the past, now here I am 5 years later, putting in the CD, and it kind of loses its magic.
Well, since the first proper games i played were Super Mario 64 and Goldenye I can't really say the same.
have to mention Duke Nukem ofc. that game made me into the violent girlfriend beating loudmouthing bastard that i am today and that we all love.

Frogger is also one of those classics that i used to play a lot. I think frogger is a unbeatable game because the logs were going faster than my screen can handle those days.

Wolvenstein was the best. I do was a cheater because i was hitting the keys KLM at the same time a lot of the times which gave you full ammo and full hp. so in the first level i was blasting everything till smutheries with my minigun.

And lol @ the big í¤rier at the end that was the boss. no adolf in sight there. big dissapointment.

All of those games were coowl but have no replay value at all because I played them that much and are ugly as shit.
Brawlers like TMNT, Double Dragon, etc are SOOOO difficult to play now that I'm not as used to the straight-line hit detection as I once was.
I think it has more to do with the crippling control deficiencies of older games being acceptable and challenging for their time, but now we're used to being more in control and it's a weird uncomfortable step backward to play those games again.

Add Pitfall and Battletoads to the list.
[quote="used44"Add Pitfall and Battletoads to the list.[/quote]

jesus battletoads haunts me to this day, my room mate and i sat down the other day and tried to beat the genesis version, the easier version i might add. after a few hours we walked away with our tails between our legs unable to beat the motor bike thinggys level. but battle toads double dragon on the other hand? pear awsomeness and great playability to this day
Most of the old FPS games, but Doom still looks the same after these years. Weird? Those 2d games never seem to age.
River City Ransom for the NES was hilarious, still is today comparing images and animation

I think the biggest game to lose it's touch was Track & Field
Probably a bit lame, but I used to love to play Theme Hospital on the PC just to see people have their inflated heads pop. It's not as funny anymore... =[
I probably couldn't go back to Contra: Hard Corps for the Genesis. I loved that game. Got it for my 10th birthday. The first M rated game I ever owned. Was totally shocked when they said "Damn" and "Shit". Looking back, I think it's hilarious that it got an M rating just for that lol.

But I couldn't do it now. One shot your dead with bullets coming in off of the screen? Nah. Though I wish I could.
Both Crusader Games. I had such fond memories of them, i used to play them for hours and hours straight, i recently found my old Crusader: No Remorse CD and decided to fire it up on DOS box... Turns out the controls are awfully clunky and the hit detection is crap for nowadays standards... But i'll be damned if it wasnt one of the best games of its time.
My first game, Star Wars: Dark Forces, is still fun to play. It has a great story, and is a fun shooter.

I used to play the Sims all the time, but i haven't actually played it in a few years. Just became pretty meh. and retarded.
I think links is the only one who's stayed on topic so far. The topic is games you dont/wouldnt play anymore.

As for games like that, Ill go with Jurassic Park-The Lost World. It was one of the hardest games ever, with 3 lives to get through 5 sets of over 6 levels each, it was hell.

Also, Ill go with Fable, sadly. It just doesnt have enough story or RPG elements to keep me wanting more.

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