Games of the Decade

SWAT 4, 2005

Swat 3 was a magnificent experience to one certain boy who was used to the frantic action Doom and Quake delivered. All the different ways of approach and situations. I really felt like an Swat officer. The great online & mod community needs a mention too. Then years later came number 4. New nice graphix, situations and items. For a moment I felt like little boy again. To this day I still don't know any better gaming than playing co-op in Swat.

Thank you for reminding that I need to finally finish Okami :P
Assassin's Creed, 2007

What this game did was take the concept of free roaming that had become so popular and mixed it with Prince of Persia's acrobatic climbing abilities, creating a world with no unreachable areas. And while it may have had a few flaws, it set the foundation for many games to come, including its own sequel.

Persona 3, 2007

As Links said, the SMT Nocturne was the first 'big' SMT game out of Japan, it was still very much a niche game. And it wasn't until Persona 3 did the SMT series truly begin to get attention in the US. With it's interesting story and much greater accessibility, P3 is known by many to be one of the greatest RPGs of all time.

Demon's Souls, 2009

Despite being fairly new, I believe Demon's Souls deserves a mention. This past decade was the emergence of more widespread online gaming, which was only accessable in certain PC games, with the emergence of the Dreamcast's online gaming. Yet no game, that I know of at least, has been able to match Demon's Souls for its use in combining Single Player and Multiplayer gameplay. Each player goes through the same Single Player campaign as they would in any RPG. The difference is that all the other players are still present, and can assist the other players through messages, or can team up with other players. This creative use of multiplayer will likely inspire many games in the years to come.

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