Is it too early to discuss this, or is the time just right?
There's a few games which are coming up very soon, such as Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian. They might change on people's lists, which is fine! But how about we start thinking about what our favourite games this year might be? I reckon we should try and finalize our lists by late December.
Let's categorize them into the following, if you've played these genres. If you haven't played any of the particular genre or can't think of a suitable answer, don't worry about it. Copy and paste the list below and throw down your entries.
1. Best first person shooter -
2. Best multiplayer -
3. Best action/adventure -
4. Best platformer -
5. Best fighting -
6. Best racing/driving -
7. Best RPG -
8. 12. Best VR -
9. Best graphics -
10. Best soundtrack -
11. Best story/narrative -
12. Best performance (voice acting) -
13. Best DLC -
14. Best Handheld -
15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 -
16. WORST GAME OF 2016 -
17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) -
There's a few games which are coming up very soon, such as Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian. They might change on people's lists, which is fine! But how about we start thinking about what our favourite games this year might be? I reckon we should try and finalize our lists by late December.
Let's categorize them into the following, if you've played these genres. If you haven't played any of the particular genre or can't think of a suitable answer, don't worry about it. Copy and paste the list below and throw down your entries.
1. Best first person shooter -
2. Best multiplayer -
3. Best action/adventure -
4. Best platformer -
5. Best fighting -
6. Best racing/driving -
7. Best RPG -
8. 12. Best VR -
9. Best graphics -
10. Best soundtrack -
11. Best story/narrative -
12. Best performance (voice acting) -
13. Best DLC -
14. Best Handheld -
15. GAME OF THE YEAR 2016 -
16. WORST GAME OF 2016 -
17. Most disappointing (it could have still been good, but the hype train made it suck for you) -