Exile Online - Sci-fi Cyberpunk Sandbox MMO Pre Alpha

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WIP partly furnished apartment playable. Download now and check it out.by running around the scene.


Getting ready for Eurogamer 2016.

While we will not be in a state ready to have a public stall set up demoing the game, we will still be there and will be able to meet other developers and gamers.

Let us know if you are attending this year and we can all meet up and have a little Q&A.
Our first Kickstarter has just ended unsuccessfully with a total of £3,026 pledged.

This was forecast from quite early on, but even though it was a failure in terms of securing the funds we were looking for, the extreme volume of PR and word spreading we achieved made it well worthwhile alone, with various articles and entries on gaming websites here and there.

We have gotten a lot of feedback regarding the game, most of it very positive and constructive. From this, we have been able to come to a few major conclusions as to why we were unsuccessful this time around.

Needless to say we will be taking that feedback aboard and will action the points bought up so they are sorted out as a matter of urgency in our current development phase.

The things we will be concentrating on most, from the above mentioned feedback will be -

- Gameplay content such as mission and npc systems
- Character enhancements
- Lighting and shading work

Thank you to everyone that pledged and to all of those that helped us spread the word about the campaign. Development will continue unabated so stay tuned for updates in the coming months.
Testing the building up of snow and rain puddles for the dynamic weather system. Currently only set up to put a thin layer. Will eventually change it so it can lay down variable volumes depending on weather intensity.

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