EB Games Australia Drawing Competition


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EB Games Australia is having a "Case Face-Off". Contestants enter the competition by drawing an original fan art, and the winning artwork will be sold as EB Games merchandise as a phone cover. The top three most voted (including a forth junior winner) will also win a $400 EB Games gift card. Entries close on the 2nd of March.


My partner and I are both going to enter this competition with separate entries. I'm not quite sure what kind of design I want to do, whether it's cartoony, or more realistic. My partner wants to do a cover for Life is Strange, but I've got no idea about my own.

Do you guys have any suggestions? What do you think might look cool?

The competition is voting based... so I'm hoping to score a couple of votes here. :p
I would suggest something along the lines of the Pikachu design on this banner. It's simple, yet instantly recognizable, and cleverly uses the phone case as the character's body. I think the judges would dig a perspective like that. Oh, and good luck, sir!

Just do one of your favourite comic characters...stick to your style I reckon! And colour it in a way that's MASSIVELY eye-catching haha.

Maybe try and do a clever thing with phone shapes etc...but they're all different - so dont make it your priority.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Appreciate it!

I think I will just try and stick to what I know, go for a cartoony style and use lots of bold, bright colours. I guess whatever I draw can't be too violent, and needs to be iconic. Nintendo related characters might be the way to go.

What I might do is produce multiple sketches, pick the best one and then go from there.

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