E3 Predictions

What are your E3 predictions?
I'm calling a Kevin Butler appearance, PSP2/PS Phone, a teaser for MGS 5 and that Natal will disappoint on the show floor.
Had Sucker Punch not announced inFamous 2 already I'd ask for a new Sly Cooper.

How about a new action-packed Sony IP, that'd be nice, please?

I also wanna see what Respawn Entertainment is doing now that they're no longer under control of Activision

Other than that, I saw the PSPhone mentioned, but the PSP3000 has a microphone and a Skype app so that's kind of already out...

I also expect the announcement of an Xbox 360 Slim or something along those lines so Natal can be bundled with a new console. Also, price drops for the DSi, DSLite, PSP3000 and PSP Go (the Go especially seeing as I can drop $250 on that, OR go buy a PS3 for an extra $50. What were they thinking?)

Biggest Prediction: Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo will join forces to produce the Sontendosoft WiiStation 720. The controller will be the most retarded POS you've ever seen but, will be in 3D and the games will be things like God of War IV: The Mario Chapters, and The Legend of Zelda: Locust Attack. Don't forget, Halo: Conflict Hellghan!

I'm HOPING for DMC5, even though I know it wont be there.
lokness said:
MGS5 is already out.

You're thinking of Peace Walker. There is an actual MGS5 game staring Raiden in development and takes place either during MGS4 or afterwards.

It's hard for me to get excited about new games because all the series I love have all been done to death or are finished.

I'm looking for the next new title that brings something new to the table, like Heavy Rain.
Wes said:
lokness said:
MGS5 is already out.

You're thinking of Peace Walker. There is an actual MGS5 game staring Raiden in development and takes place either during MGS4 or afterwards.
According to Kojima, Peace Walker is what he considers to be MGS5. Metal Gear Rising, the one you're thinking of, is more of a spinoff game.
I love the mentions of legend of dragoon and megaman. I want to see the new castlevania game actually get closer to done. oh, or that castlevania will send a 2d version like aria of sorrow was to consoles. I'd looove that.
I hope to GOD Koei doesn't show up. As much as I loge them they need to take a break.
I want Bethesda to show or tease us with TESV. Or something fresh on the rpg side.
Longo_2_guns said:
Wes said:
lokness said:
MGS5 is already out.

You're thinking of Peace Walker. There is an actual MGS5 game staring Raiden in development and takes place either during MGS4 or afterwards.
According to Kojima, Peace Walker is what he considers to be MGS5. Metal Gear Rising, the one you're thinking of, is more of a spinoff game.

I follow ya, just clearing up confusion about the titles people are talking about.

Also I don't consider Peace Walker the fifth installment simply because it's a PSP game. But that's just me.
You'd consider it the fifth title if you played it for an hour.

And considering Rising is most likely going to be more of a hack & slash type game than stealth action, I'd say it's even less of it than Peace Walker.
My face when Wes thinks MGR is MGS5.


PW is the True MGS5, Konami pretty much told Kojima to stfu about calling it MGS5 due to marketing concerns i guess.

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