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Soaring Phoenix

I'm not one of those people who whines and moans about 'my childhood being raped'. I just want a remake to honor the original while also being a good movie on it's own. If it fails that goal, it only makes me revere the original even more.

I like the stealth look, but it needs some other coloring or texture mixed in to make it pop, like the old suit was mostly silver, but with the black rubber torso. I'd also like to see it in motion to get a better impression.

Here's the synopsis and cast:

In RoboCop, the year is 2029 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.

ROBOCOP, directed by Jose Padilha and starring Joel Kinneman, Michael Keaton, Samual L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Jackie Earle Haley, Gary Oldman, and Jay Baruchel is slated for release on August 9, 2013.
Cooool, a robot ninja.

I really want to play RoboCop on the Amiga now too...An Amiga I do not have :(
I am also not one of those people that whines and moans about my childhood being raped as well, I whine and moan because: seriously, what the hell. A remake? Robocop rules. What is "updating" it for modern times with some CGI blood splatters going to accomplish? And besides, remakes always suck.

Anyways, I'm keeping my hopes somewhat elevated. It has a good cast, and robots play a far more prevalent role in our life than they did in 1987, which means that the script and overall feel of the movie may be more timely.
GiftedMonkey said:
I am also not one of those people that whines and moans about my childhood being raped as well, I whine and moan because: seriously, what the hell. A remake? Robocop rules. What is "updating" it for modern times with some CGI blood splatters going to accomplish? And besides, remakes always suck.

Anyways, I'm keeping my hopes somewhat elevated. It has a good cast, and robots play a far more prevalent role in our life than they did in 1987, which means that the script and overall feel of the movie may be more timely.

i am one of those that doesn't give a damn..

how does them remaking a movie and it being shitty affect your childhood exactly? you still have the original robo cop to brag about. and if it's a great movie.. great.

i personally love seeing my old movies reinvented with new technology. if it sucks, oh well. doesn't really hurt me.

people here must be old though, i'm 27 and i think this was more my brothers childhood, he's 32. i kinda missed robo cop, was pretty young i think when it came out. i was still watching teddy ruxpin
According to a few sources, that's his SWAT mode. His suit can shift color and form to a degree, normally he's the same gunmetal he used to be.
^^^ I heard about that too. I'm not too keen on Robocop being a Transformer, if it's true. I'm sure it will sell more toys though. :roll:

As for IntoTheRain's comment on ages, I'm almost 33 and first saw Robocop at the tender age of 8. I didn't get most of the adult content, but like Blazing Saddles, grew with it and only appreciated it more with age.
I remember loving Robocop and playing pretend as Robocop, but also never being allowed to watch it. Being a kid is awesome.

I'm up for a new one.
I like the red visor, but agree that it's too much black. Should at least have some silver highlights in it.
Paradox said:
I like the red visor, but agree that it's too much black. Should at least have some silver highlights in it.

The red reminds me too much of battlestar galactica and cylons.
I'm not a huge fan of adding in the obligatory love interest who you know is going to be either killed or put in harm's way so that he can use his love and willpower to not be a machine.

The original movie didn't have too much of that, and that was a good thing.

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