CYOA: Lantern's Light

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"Oh God, why? Why did Margaret Thatcher have to always wear thongs?" GL facepalmed with his ring's energy. Too bad the green was still kind of see-through.

"BEING POWERFUL IS LIKE BEING A LADY. IF YOU HAVE TO TELL PEOPLE YOU ARE, YOU AREN'T." Thatcher-Bot 6000's voice boomed as it cocked its massive fists to destroy the building across from GL. Have you see how big English women's fists are? They're fucking huge. Just as Thatcher-Bot let loose it's big fucking hand (seriously, like big meat hooks. You remember man-hands from Seinfeld? Margaret Thatcher was just like that, but she was ugly too. England knows how to make them, but they also know how to screw them up.... I'm getting distracted.)

GL blocked the punch with his power ring, and began to float up to Thatcher-Bot's eye level.

"You wanna destroy my city? You're going to have to go through me!" GL carefully considered his next move....

A flying punch straight through Thatcher-Bot, page 143
Use his ring to create a really sexist party member to ridicule Thatcher-Bot, page 80
Poll everyone to check Thatcher-Bot's approval rating, page 40
The ring glowed furiously as the form took shape several stories above GL. Green arms and legs popped out of the massive bubbling torso. The Lantern Corps junior member concentrated with everything he had. "I swear to God if this doesn't get me full membership I'm joining Sinestro," GL grumbled as a head and neck began developing at the top of the form.


"Really Margaret, what are you going to do? Nag the Russians to death?"

"Shuttup Anthony, you'll never be more than a wart on your mother's vagina."

"You do realize that you've been flashing everyone in town, right? Maybe that's how you got to be PM."

"rrrrrAAAARRHHHHHHHH!!!" Thatcher-Bot started roaring the static of a dead channel and charged the Anthony Meyer GL created with his ring. "Being prime minister is a lonely job... you cannot lead from the crowd!"

The green-hued sexist stepped out of the way and Thatcher-Bot crashed into the building behind him, killing thousands. "And you simply cannot lead."

That's when GL changed the party-member into a new weapon to battle Thatcher-Bot's metal-woman rage. "I've got to stop this before she destroys the entire city." The green-energy of the sexist quickly came to form.

Superman, page 3
A dictator with a gun, page 5
A can-opener, page 98
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