Console of Choice

Console of Choice of cuurent generation

  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Microsoft Xbox 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sony Playstation 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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PS3, because it's pretty much the only one (I own all three) I ever use for anything besides games. But then again, I'm the kind of person who finds installing GNU/Linux on half-supported hardware and getting it to do what I want it to do fun.
If gaming is the only benchmark here, then I pick the 360. But I've already voted for PS3, since I really spend a lot more time tinkering with it than playing on the 360.
I think that if I had a PS3 I'd be somewhat the same but I don't so I use my 360 to play movies off of my external drive as well as play games off of the marketplace and real games.
I use my PS3 more for non-gaming then the 360 or I am building a nice blu-ray collection. But I play more then I watch movies.
I figured there would be difference between a PS3 and an xbox 360. But to be honest, they are pretty much the same.(Cue spear to the face). Yeh i know the ps3 has a blue ray player but other then that they both play pretty much the same games. I prefer the 360 solely on the achievements. I love when they pop-up. That kind of shows how much i noticed the differences. I never really caught on to the trophies even though its pretty much the same idea as achievements. And for me the wii is pretty much only fun with friends. With the social aspect, the wii is awesome.
Mirrors Edge is the only PS3 game I've got with trophies.

They serve the same purpose but arn't as cool because not every game has them...and given they arn't a requirement not every game ever will.
Most, if not all, newer games have them, and they're only bothering to add them to older games that people still play. Most multiconsole games are going to get them, since they already have achievements and it isn't hard to just do it twice.
It's a toss up between 360 and Wii. I got into gaming through gutair hero and rockband on the 360. But I got a Wii for myself because I love the cooky games.

Even though I got the Wii for myself and my bro owns the 360, I'll have to say 360 cause that console brought me into gaming.
Zoey said:
It's a toss up between 360 and Wii. I got into gaming through gutair hero and rockband on the 360. But I got a Wii for myself because I love the cooky games.

Even though I got the Wii for myself and my bro owns the 360, I'll have to say 360 cause that console brought me into gaming.
Sounds like you haven't even touched a PS3. I recommend it. :P
I got a Wii and a PS3. I would have a 360 too but I'm kinda fearing the whole three red lights of death. Every 360 owner I know has had their 360 die on them at one point. Scares me.

At the moment my console of choice is the PS3. For the Wii I only buy certain exclusive Wii games, like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, No More Heroes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption etc. I only grab the games that I'm interested in and that are specifically made by Nintendo. In my opinion, most ports put onto the Wii (with the exception of Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition) really do suck, and if it's on the PS3, I'd get the PS3 version instead.

but the PS3 is receiving (along with the 360) a lot of really fun games that the Wii will never have. Devil May Cry 4 (I'm a DMC fan), Grand Theft Auto IV, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Fallout 3, Assassin's Creed, Mirror's Edge etc. I really enjoyed all of these games, and the Wii will never have anything like them due to its hardware restrictions. The Wii though has its moments, just not quite as often as the PS3, I reckon.

PS3 is currently my console of choice.
I picked the 360 just because it currently has better exclusives. Both Sony & Nintendo have been a disappointment to me this generation especially compared to last. I've always hated the console wars & don't understand the fanboyism. In a perfect world, we wouldn't be able to decide on "console of choice" since they all would have great libraries, and Sega would still be around.

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