Console of Choice

Console of Choice of cuurent generation

  • Nintendo Wii

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Microsoft Xbox 360

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sony Playstation 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I didn't know where else to put this since it pertains to all 3 powerhouses in current console gaming so I put it in misc.

I just wanted to know what your console of choice is, be it Xbox 360, Wii, or PlayStation 3. You can only choose one so those of you who are lucky enough to have all three must make a choice.

I personally have two of the three current consoles, a Wii and a 360 and I have to say I like my 360 a lot more than my Wii. The Wii is awesome, but just not as good as other consoles IMO. A good secondary one to own for occasional gaming though.
This should belong in General Gaming Topics.

I used to own a Wii, but then I sold it because I didn't think any good games were coming out (I was right). I wanted to get a PS3, but I have no money, so I shall wait.
well i have all three and i defently play my ps3 the most, if i have a choice of a multie counsole release ill get it for the ps3 because im on my 4th 360, and if its on all 3 consoles chances are it sucks for the wii
I own Wii and 360, but I haven't touched my Wii (shut up) in days. And I play 360 daily.

*I've added a poll; hope you don't mind!*
I own a Wii, but if I'm being honest, I'd rather have a 360. If it wasn't for Zelda/Metroid I probably would've waited a bit to make my decision. The reason I wont buy both is because I think more than one console is enough - I hardly do any work as it is!
I have a Wii. I needed it for Brawl (which I couldn't really live without), but other than that it's pretty much useless.
I really do want a 360 though, now that Final Fantasy isn't a Sony exclusive anymore...
Definitely 360, with all the games it's getting that used to be only available for Sony or Nintendo, and all the great new ones that are available/will be available soon.
All I have of the three options is a 360. I have a PS2, but I have been too poor/haven't seen too much of a need to upgrade to a PS3 yet.
I have both a Wii and 360, with my 360 basically getting all of my attention.

I've been thinking about getting a ps3 lately, but I would only get one of those for the exclusives. With LBP out though, I've really wanted one :p
The thing is I own both a 360 and PS3 but they get equal amounts of use and each have their own strengths. I use my 360 mainly for gaming, while my PS3 is used for watching blu-ray and PS3 exclusives. Because of that, I'm going to vote for both.
I went with 360. I have at least twice as many 360 games as I do Wii games and three times as many Wii games as I do PS3 games.

My PS3 is mostly used a blueray player but I'm actually now playing Mirrors Edge on it so it's getting some use as a gaming machine again.

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