Childhood Memories


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I just got an Amiga emulator! I used to play on my brother's amiga so much when I was young, the amount of memories that are coming back from playing Amiga games right now is awesome! I'm playing Amiga classics such as Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, Cabal, James Pond, Robocop (fucking Robocop!!), Shadow of the Beast 1 & 2, Rainbow Islands, Fire & Ice, Lemmings 2: Tribes, and some others I cant remember right now.

I ask you all, what are your favourite gaming childhood memories? Ever though about bringing them back to the present? What consoles? Which games?

Also, if some of you can think of other Amiga classics I'd like to try them out. 8)
Oh, the memories of the sweet Dreamcast playing Sonic and some fighting game I can't remember the name of.

Back when I was little, I loved playing Super Soccer for the SNES, which I can still whip anyone's ass in. I also played Spiderman: Separation Anxiety alot (also for SNES).

Also, Pokémon was a huge part of my life, in every regard.
The earliest game I can remember playing is Commander Keen(Anyone else remember it?). My Dad and I used to play Doom when I was like 5 or 6, he'd let me fire the weapons until my Mum would get back from work. Sadly he got promoted and his home time got shorter and shorter. I also remember playing Wing Commander with him. Great memories :D
The first games I remember playing (aside from say, watching Mario Bros. being played at a friends house) were Oregon Trail, Lemmings, and Civilization, all on the PC.
I can remember playing Street Fighter 2 in the arcades (Chun-Li FTW).

Then some older guy would come and beat the crap out me and I wanted to cry because I couldn't beat him and couldn't continue my story game :(

Sometimes they'd give me a mercy round and I was gullible enough to think I kicked his ass in round 2.
Too many to mention. I played a lot of games as a kid, spanning generations of consoles. Some memories that currently come to mind are playing Road Rash and Ken Griffey Jr. presents Major League Baseball.

And, like white-nose, I played a lot of fighting games. Street Fighter II, Killer Instinct, Samurai Shodown. 'Twas pretty awesome when fighting games were the best games available, haha.
Oh yeah, Lemmings!!

I played that and Dino Park Tycoon as a kid, on a Mac that's older than I am.
recently ive been playing through the psx spyro games harking back to my akward pre teen phase ha, but i cant say my childhood memories of games are so far behind me because i still play my genesis all the time, and that was my first console
Rakon said:
I played that and Dino Park Tycoon as a kid, on a Mac that's older than I am.
I played that in sixth grade, on Windows, along with Odell Down Under.

Oh, and greatest childhood games? Humongous Entertainment's Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Putt-Putt, Backyard Sports (the old ones), etc. You didn't have a childhood if you didn't play those. You can buy them on Wii now, which I intend to do.
Oregon Trail!

To hell with dysentery. No matter what, I always got killed by dysentery on Oregon Trail...

That's what happens when you let a fourth-grader plan your frontier expedition.

Anyway, Math Munchers was another educational game - I can't remember the name of the company that made those games, but we had to play them on now-ancient Macs in elementary school.

Weren't those the days?
De-Ting said:
Oh, and greatest childhood games? Humongous Entertainment's Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Putt-Putt, Backyard Sports (the old ones), etc.
You just gained so much of my special respekt points it's ridiculous. Don't let it get to your head.

But may I add The Oregon Trail to that list?
I really miss my childhood. Everyone in my family would hang out and play video games for a little while every now and then. We would all sit around the Atari 2600 and take turns. My mom always beat everyone at Asteroids (probably because she had a little bit more experience than we all did).

Then when I finally brought the NES into the house our stepdad always beat us all with Metroid. I was always the queen of Mario though. My sister never really beat anyone and my brother couldn't beat anyone until Halo came around. It was always fun.

I miss those days. Gotta love family competition. :)

I know that there is this store near me that just opened up that sells a bunch of old school games. I really want to see if they have an Atari just so I can maybe surprise my mom with it for Christmas or something.
De-Ting said:
Oh, and greatest childhood games? Humongous Entertainment's Pajama Sam, Freddi Fish, Putt-Putt, Backyard Sports (the old ones), etc. You didn't have a childhood if you didn't play those. You can buy them on Wii now, which I intend to do.
The best part about the adventure games was that no two playthroughs were the same. I've beaten lik 3 of the Putt Putt Games and two Pajama Sam games.

Also, let's not forget the The Learning Company games.
Rakon said:
Oh yeah, Lemmings!!

I played that and Dino Park Tycoon as a kid, on a Mac that's older than I am.

Heck yeah, Dino Park Tycoon was one of the greatest games as a kid, that and Turbo Racer (everyone wanted to be the cool kid with the black car)

Anyone remember Logical Journey of the Zoombinis? I don't want to think about how many hours I wasted on that.
tigerlily521985 said:
our stepdad always beat us


Those Atari Flashback consoles aren't hard to find. Not as cool as the real deal, but they come programmed with all of the popular games, and with two controllers. I got one as a gift from my sister and have had no major qualms with it - controls are responsive and everything. The ONE bummer is that it doesn't track your high scores, but that can be solved in an old-school fashion with a pen and paper. Check it out.
^Lol, nice.

I agree with Oregon Trail and the Learning company games. Remember playing oregon trial, reader rabbit, and treasure mountain alot back in the day. I started off gaming on the computer, never really played consoles when I was younger. I played alot of the King's Quest series when I was young.
I think my over all greatest gaming memory is firing up that shiny new Genesis and playing Mystic Defender for the first time. :)
used44 said:
Those Atari Flashback consoles aren't hard to find. Not as cool as the real deal, but they come programmed with all of the popular games, and with two controllers. I got one as a gift from my sister and have had no major qualms with it - controls are responsive and everything. The ONE bummer is that it doesn't track your high scores, but that can be solved in an old-school fashion with a pen and paper. Check it out.

Yeah I have an Atari Flashback, but like you said, it's definitely not as cool as the real deal. I haven't played with it in a while, but doesn't it have a limited amount of games? I'm gonna go check out that store next weekend and see if they have gotten any real ones in yet.

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