Changed Review Grade?

I'm kind of confused. My Wii Sports review was altered, where all of the paragraphs were put into a massive wall of text, and someone changed the grade from an A to a C+...
That was me. Your Wii Sports review had the honorable distinction of being chosen as the guinea pig for our brand spanking new Edit button.

Soon you'll have new powers to go back and edit or change the grade for any of your reviews...probably tomorrow but don't quote me on that.

I'll put everything back the way I found it when I'm done. Typos and all :D
Sounds like Big Brother to me. They're rewriting history guys. Remember the past. Don't let them make you forget. It happened.... IT ALL HAPPENED.
joeblow = #1

Thanks man, the edit button will be really useful.

Currently the link seems broken though. :( I get the GR "Are you lost young grasshopper?" page when I click it.
Longo_2_guns said:
No, when nintendo was burned to the ground by PS360!!!! robots.

I always new those dammed robots where out to get me.
Bastards, it's on *loads shotgun*
You'll never take me alive, wait, they probably never planned to,

even better.

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