Castlevania MMORPG


Anyone who has played any of the Castlevanias, especially the old ones, can see how the series as evolved over time. Gone are the easy deaths and regular life bars of old;they have been exchanged for a deeper rpg strategy. After finishing poth Dawn of Sorrow and Protrit of Ruin, I thought deeper about the fun i had rampaging through a castle full of monsters, puzzles, and of course weapons, skills and gear.
I loved Everquest, and i played WoW for a bit, and as much as i love MMO's they are fairly similar, despite any arguments. Castlevania, with its new found RPG structure(well not that new i mean SOTN is almost old) has the magnificent potential in the MMO market.
Imagine a open ended world that was not built out of zones to be run through, but an enormous castle filled with danger and puzzles. Gone are the days of loot grinding and mob camping. Parties could explore a gigantic castle where they could go up or left, down or right, or any path they could access. The challenge would not be just newer and harder mobs, but the castle itself. Parties could tackle in depth riddles and puzzles, and gain exp and gear from using their mind, not just their point-and-click finger. Puzzles and traps could Challenge parties in this more action based mmo to not just fight, but to think
Classes would be easy enough. There would be the those of Belmont decent, toss in some specializations in certain weapons and skills and we have our tank. With the innovation in magic in the series we could easily have the typical mages and priests. Some players could be part of Draculas blood line trying to gain the castles power.Toss in some half breed wearwolves and some undead, and we could have pvp vampire hunters vs monsters, each fighting for control of the castle, some trying to gain draculas powers and others trying to seal the power away.
Combat would be a good mixt of action and rpg. bosses would fill rooms the size of whole zones while the party jumped and dashed, avoided area attacks while getting their punches in when they could. Decendents of the Belmont bloodline could get in close, use their choice of weapons and skills, and stand toe to toe with the zone-filling beasts, while others attacked from different angles, just trying to bring the great beast down.
The castle is a great environment not just as a challenge to the player, but to the whole server. There could be hidden rooms, only able to be accessed once, or atleast their loot only available once. This would push players to solve riddles and find hidden rooms, both to find the treasure and make their mark on the castle.
Other than a few safe rooms for shops and "towns" the castle would teem with monsters and challenges. As stated, not only would the monsters be the opposition but the castle.The orignal design of the series castles could be put to practical use. Imagine you go into a room full of harpies and giant bats, all flying around, and somthing is differnt. Stairways angle and bisect at any available angle much like the an abstract painting. You look up, and you see another party battling harpies, bats, and demons up about, but they are walking on the ceiling. Maybe in parts of the castles the only way to get around or advance is to find the right transformation spell and have a party member flip an unreachable switch. the SOTN design, and most games since, create a detailed world that bends what we know of normal. Of course there would be different parts of the castle like the library or a room filled with transporting paintings, but these are just the start. Castlevania could change MMOs from loot grinding sloth-fests into a deeper, darker, scarier, and more interactive world. This might sound silly to you or it might not. I for one am tired of just grnding through mobs, i want a world that scares me, wher e i don't know what to expect when i go into the next chamber, wher e my mind is tested as well as my character creation skills. Some may think it silly but be honest, you may not like a Castlevania themed mmo, but don't you want something different, something that is more of an experience and less of a time filler? let me know what you think and if you like it, and how you would design the Castle.
I disagree. I wouldn't like to see a Castlevania MMORPG. It would loose to much and gain way to little.
Castlevania MMORPG????????

awful idea!!!! i cant even imagin how vampires and MMORPGs would go together........

and yes.. i didnt read anything in this topic.. just the title.

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