
BlackStar said:
GR is going to start protesting soon, and I'll be damned if I have to sit through God damn Radiohead protest songs.

This needs to be nominated for People Speak. I damn near fell over laughing. BS knows GR too well.

Also, I miss madster.
I miss him too. Where is his return post?...his joyous face...his glorious accent...his curly locks....sigghhhh.......
MattAY said:
I miss him too. Where is his return post?...his joyous face...his glorious accent...his curly locks....sigghhhh.......
Only one thing you said about madster was true.
he's probably still in the attitude of, "fuck those guys, I'm better than them, the community has gone to shit, might as well use this to leave and go somewhere else."

You know, cause, that sounds about right for madster.
He'll be constructing his GRConquest device out of bits from an original gameboy.
MattAY said:
He'll be constructing his GRConquest device out of bits from an original gameboy.

And from which will evolve and become skynet and take over the internet then the world
And the people of Game Revolution continued to protest....


...uh... yeah...

At the secret lair of Covert Ops deep underground from the interwebz the people of GR know and love...

White Rabbit and his group of notorious moderators currently discussed the current events regarding the current outbreak...... currents


But little did White Rabbit know that now black people were protesting too!


And now it's a race thing... apparently... but hey! Let's not forget why we're all here!


Then out of nowhere Jesus showed up! Sure, why not. And he told the people not to worry, because Madster would come back just to tell the mods to suck a lemon. So the people calmed down and went home. And Jesus went back to his game of parcheesi with Muhammed and L Ron Hubbard.

And BTW, I'm selling Madster Lest we forget T-Shirts. 2 for $5! Get em while they're hot!
We don't plot in Covert Ops. We just make fun of people behind their backs. The current top thread is entitled "ITT We talk about people behind their back".
Longo_2_guns said:
We don't plot in Covert Ops. We just make fun of people behind their backs. The current top thread is entitled "ITT We talk about people behind their back".
And it's all about people with access to CO.
Dude, it's ROFLCOPTING now.


I want to start a new trend like that.....maybe "LOLTANK" or "LMAOSOUP"
That right there made me LSHIACOMTBFSTIERN

Laugh So hard I Almost Choked On My Taco Bell Fries Supreme That I'm Eating Right Now.

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