That's long been the linchpin of my GR career, but this time I'm being very, very serious. This is horrible. I can't believe we're celebrating in this time of sorrow. Imagine this time next year. Oh, dear lord.
There should be a State of the Boards Address. I can't imagine the shape this place will be in come next December.
I want to point the blame at Crave, for not giving a fuck.
I want to point the blame at Duke Ferris, for not giving a fuck about his baby turned rotting carcass after selling it to Crave.
I want to point the blame at all of us for not giving a fuck about this place
And especially point the blame (award) at every fucking admin who so quickly took their position and gave nothing back, not one ounce of fuck given back to their position. This has been going on for years.
Admins who do absolutely nothing. Promoted for doing fucking nothing! Not even posting! And then coming back and winning an award? Fuck you!
GR died on your watch.
Suggesting a Point the Blame Award.
We cannot! I refuse, man. I re-fucking-fuse.
ahh, this is so sad. Hate to piss on our parade, but we didn't need last year's GR Awards either. (and barely needed the one the year before that)
We're in rough shape around here. It's apparent to everyone, so why hide it? I feel like driving a convertible on the fucking sidewalk simply because no one gives a fuck.
I'm only saying this because I remember better days. There's a distinct lack of effort around here except for when it comes time to pat one another on the back.
But, I guess when that's all that's left, you better enjoy it while you can. I'm just disappointed with our "community."