Best of GR 2010 Pre-Nomination Phase

I reckon Longo would have a secret shout if you remember his epic list of fetishes not long ago.
Over the last few weeks I started frequenting a fetish chat room, so I have SO many more now.

And I say no to the Bromance one, simply because me and MattAY have it in the bag.

Anyway, here are the ones I like so far:

Most Attractive
Most Likely to be a Serial Killer
Most Improved
Best Taste in Games
Worst Taste in Games
And I think I'm going to rename the Biggest Forum Contributor the DUKE FERRIS AWARD FOR FORUM CONTRIBUTION, or something along those lines.
We still play this silly popularity game, that's the GR tradition we keep. Ha. Hah. hAh heh HeH haH

I vote no one for nothing! Unless there's a "Worst Year of Gamepost-Ever!" award, this 'contest' is a sham!

Happy Holidays from Chris

But, yeah. We should all be ashamed. Happy New Years
I'd also like to see us branch out and have another "best of" list like Ghost used to do. Maybe 10 best/worst games of the year? Same with movies.
what about something that would make us search the threads like:

Best Post of the Year:
Or Dumbest Comment of the year:

goes to the poster with the best/worst one liner
I know I've got posts that people put up that were absolute GOLD.
Then there are posts that make me want to reach through my computer punch someone in the face.
I dont know about you, but Im definitely not bothered enough to search through old posts. I'd just go on memory.
Longo_2_guns said:
And I think I'm going to rename the Biggest Forum Contributor the DUKE FERRIS AWARD FOR FORUM CONTRIBUTION, or something along those lines.
Why not just call all of these The Ferris Awards?
I second Urban's suggestion.

I also suggest that since this place isn't heavily populated anymore, we skip on the nomination phase and just make everyone eligible for everything. Get to the voting faster.
used44 said:
I also suggest that since this place isn't heavily populated anymore, we skip on the nomination phase and just make everyone eligible for everything. Get to the voting faster.
I recall that happening a few years back, and it didn't work out so well. The nomination phase is useful because it keeps it from ending up 1 person with two votes and ten people with one vote. Plus, we have all month, so I'm gonna take my time.

As for the best posts idea, if people are willing to sort through the thousands of posts made to find the specific ones, then sure. But I honestly don't see that happening.
That's a good point, but in the past we've also had the nomination phase plagued with idiots who waste their nominations on people who are already nominated, which ends up with us having only one or two nominees for some categories, making the voting very anti-climactic.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.
used44 said:
That's a good point, but in the past we've also had the nomination phase plagued with idiots who waste their nominations on people who are already nominated, which ends up with us having only one or two nominees for some categories, making the voting very anti-climactic.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.
I figure I'd do it the way I did last year. Keep a running nomination total that updates every day, with people already nominated indicated as such and people with one vote also indicated, and encourage people to use that for when they vote. It worked alright then, so I figured stay with it.

Also, lets do Best Title. Why not? If people don't vote/nominate for it, I'll cut it out.
Best title?...Let's save some time and cut the fat, shall we?

Most Annoying Poster √
Most Missed Poster √

Funniest Poster X
Most Helpful Poster X
Least Helpful Poster X
Most Respected Poster X
Least Respected Poster X
Biggest Forum Contributor X
Spammer Award X
On Topic Award X
Peacekeeper Award X
Topic King X
Postwhore X
Most Intelligent Posts X
Non Award (least intelligent posts, rarely makes sense, etc) X
Best Host X
Best Signature X
Worst Signature X
Best Avatar X
Worst Avatar X
Best Veteran X
Worst Poster X
Best Poster X

Everything in green we can keep. The other awards are pointless. There were five new topics in three months, and only two of them were good. Do we really want to encourage this behavior with an award?

please, if you care, the least you could do is add an asterisks and an explanation of what these categories really mean in the 2010 GR:
Postwhore = you posted 4 times in one day. Automatic win if 5 in one day
Funniest Poster = you made yourself laugh
Most Helpful = You edited out your typos
Least Helpful = You made a topic pointing out someone else's typos
Best poster = you kept your mouth shut for the betterment of everyone involved
Worst poster = Ugh, so no contest
Worst and Best avatar = we've been using the same avatars since 1983
same for Signatures and Hosts...It's always the same avatar, sig, and host.
Most Respected? For what exactly?
Least Respected? Again, for what exactly? no content found, so...
Spammer Award? What spam? :eek6: 5 topics in 3 months
Post King = ?????????????

And the rest are too throw away to even mention. There's about 10 active members left. We have more categories than active members. Am I the only one who notices this? I have to blame the people in charge. Wait, who's in charge again?

This is horse shit!
That's long been the linchpin of my GR career, but this time I'm being very, very serious. This is horrible. I can't believe we're celebrating in this time of sorrow. Imagine this time next year. Oh, dear lord.

There should be a State of the Boards Address. I can't imagine the shape this place will be in come next December.

I want to point the blame at Crave, for not giving a fuck.
I want to point the blame at Duke Ferris, for not giving a fuck about his baby turned rotting carcass after selling it to Crave.
I want to point the blame at all of us for not giving a fuck about this place
And especially point the blame (award) at every fucking admin who so quickly took their position and gave nothing back, not one ounce of fuck given back to their position. This has been going on for years.

Admins who do absolutely nothing. Promoted for doing fucking nothing! Not even posting! And then coming back and winning an award? Fuck you!
GR died on your watch.

Suggesting a Point the Blame Award.

We cannot! I refuse, man. I re-fucking-fuse.

ahh, this is so sad. Hate to piss on our parade, but we didn't need last year's GR Awards either. (and barely needed the one the year before that)

We're in rough shape around here. It's apparent to everyone, so why hide it? I feel like driving a convertible on the fucking sidewalk simply because no one gives a fuck.

I'm only saying this because I remember better days. There's a distinct lack of effort around here except for when it comes time to pat one another on the back.
But, I guess when that's all that's left, you better enjoy it while you can. I'm just disappointed with our "community."

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