Best of GR 2010 Pre-Nomination Phase


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Well, it's December. You know what that means, time for snow, santa, and useless best-of-the-year popularity contests. So lets get it on!

I'm getting this bad boy moving a little early, mostly because I don't know what categories we're going to do. Last year, I just copy-pasted the list from the previous year, but we really need to make some changes. Here's my pre-pre-nomination list idea:

Forum Awards:
Most Annoying Poster
Most Missed Poster
Funniest Poster
Most Helpful Poster
Least Helpful Poster
Most Respected Poster
Least Respected Poster
Biggest Forum Contributor
Spammer Award
On Topic Award
Peacekeeper Award
Topic King
Most Intelligent Posts
Non Award (least intelligent posts, rarely makes sense, etc)
Best Host
Best Signature
Worst Signature
Best Avatar
Worst Avatar
Best Veteran
Worst Poster
Best Poster

Out of last year's list, I removed the following categories because no one really applies: Best New Poster, Worst New Poster, Best Young Poster, and Best Returned Poster. I also removed the community rewards part, because no one voted for them last year and no one cares.

Anyway, the big reason for this is because I need YOU to think of other stuff to put in there instead. Or other things to take out. We aren't on the actual nominations yet, that'll start probably at the end of this weekend.
I think we should stick some crazyish ones in.

Like Most Racist and Most Sexist, Most Attractive, Most Likely to be a serial killer....stuff like that.

Also, Best Veteran? There's only about 3 left :(
Is it time to pat ourselves on the back already? Sweet! I guess that means I'm the last Best New Poster!!!!
Maybe add Most Improved or Best New back?

Edit: Oops, someone else totally leaked my list...bastards.
Oh no. The GR awards curse has come back to haunt me.
Seriously though, I like MattAY's idea, specially the "Most likely to be a serial killer."

EDIT: Bret got it now.
Funny, I was going to say keep me out of the community votes because after winning it four times in a row someone else needs to so it can be fresh....

As for new categories, I second, the most imrpoved suggestion.

Anywho, im saving this for my nominations because im lazy. So yeah, I don't care.

Most Annoying Poster:
Most Missed Poster: Flaming Tiki God
Funniest Poster: Mattay
Most Helpful Poster: Lien
Least Helpful Poster:
Most Respected Poster: StalfrosCC
Least Respected Poster: UghRochester
Biggest Forum Contributor: Longo
Spammer Award: Any of the bajilion bots we get.
On Topic Award: TheDiesel
Peacekeeper Award: Bretimus
Topic King: danielbisheroff
Postwhore: Mattay
Most Intelligent Posts: Maca
Non Award (least intelligent posts, rarely makes sense, etc): Madster
Best Signature: Longo
Worst Signature: Mattay
Best Avatar: HK-47
Worst Avatar: Used
Best Veteran: Used
Worst Poster:
Best Poster: De-Ting
MattAY said:
Like Most Racist and Most Sexist, Most Attractive, Most Likely to be a serial killer....stuff like that.

Also, Best Veteran? There's only about 3 left :(
Most Racist and Most Sexist are hard, since no one here's really either. I like the other two though. I also like the idea of Most Improved, so I think I'll add that too.

Also, I bolded part of the original post, since SOME PEOPLE can't read.

Most Fun to Play with/against (in game):
Worst Taste in Games (could be based off of reviews or thigns they've said):
Poster Least likely to return:
The DUKE FERRIS AWARD ( Yes it has to be capitalized. The person who contributes the most to the site & forum):
Those are good, Urbs. 'Cept I don't like Poster Least Likely to Return, 'cause that just makes me sad. :(
Shaft said:
dip shits who can't follow directions award : Bretimus_v2, Links, Shaft

I still don't care. So yeah, fuck it. It's up there.

I also like the Duke Ferris Award, but what would that award entail? Is it like an honorary Oscar or something, or can it be defined as someone who exemplifies leadership qualities and revolutionary ideals?

I prefer the latter, by the way.
Yeah, that one's a little depressing.

The most fun to play with is okay, but my only qualms are how many of us actually play against each other? If there's a good enough amount, that goes in, but if not, then not.

And the DUKE FERRIS AWARD kind of goes with Biggest Forum Contributor, since only like three people care about the community outside the forum. And comparing posting on the forum to Duke's great achievements is a little blasphemous.

I really like Worst Taste in Games though, and of course countering it with Best Taste in Game.
LinksOcarina said:
I still don't care. So yeah, f*** it. It's up there.

I also like the Duke Ferris Award, but what would that award entail? Is it like an honorary Oscar or something, or can it be defined as someone who exemplifies leadership qualities and revolutionary ideals?

I prefer the latter, by the way.

A little bit of both. I think its funny that you commented on it, b/c I was going to nominate you for it - and i kinda had you in mind when I came up with it.

No one can replace duke, but this should go to the person (veteran) who keeps us coming back. Reviews, Posts, Podcasts, whatever, but to win a forum award they should frequent the board (hence being a veteran). Its like an Oscar/Achievement award.

Person you'd most like to meet?
The Partyman?
The Masturbator? (who you reckon masturbates the most)

I'm clutching at straws here.

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