Best and worst online names

My friend is trying to come up with a new gamertag and so I started a thinkerizing about all the PSN names I have come across that were truly awesome, or pitifully horrible. I just wanted to know what you fine individuals have found in the world of online gaming. Heck, they could even be screen names for chatting services, forums, or whatevs. I think the best names I have seen while playing games have been "poopandpee' and "whitepervert". When I saw them, I couldn't help but giggle. So what strange things have you peoples come across?
Anything that can't be read in front of you mom I consider the worst.

But I saw one guy called TURTLEPOWER...I was kinda jealous.

The name I use is Tingz0r btw, which I started using before I found out what a tingz0r is...and it pwnz.
Played with a guy named "La LA Land Rules!" He was pretty badass too. Also Gedway :cool:.

Horrible names include

Jox2453w5r4 (something like that)
xxxikillallofyouxxx (or in the same vain of)
I played in the LOTRO beta with an elf named "Funksalad".

The absolute worst names are any along the lines of "n00bcrusher", "pwnstar", etc.
Once I laughed when I saw called: Joe and his guild was called 'with his two level 70 rogues'. Little did I knew that the bastard REALLY had two level 70 rogues following him named Bob and Frank.

Worst name: Legolas, Legolaz, Legopwnz etc. Too many, way too many.
Best name: Kiristo
Worst name: some slight variation of your real name like AlbertPwnZor. It's not that hard to make something up. I like Obso1337's handle, pretty intuitive.
I thought this was a topic about the worst names for MMOs at first glance...I thought "that's kind of a niche group". I also couldn't think of any *bad* mmo names. I'm glad this topic is not about that.

I think the worst are some of the ones in WoW. I mean, a death knight named daethknight? Or dethbrngr? Come on. Give up the emo names already. I used Datholorn for my DK as the name sounds fitting. It reminds me of something from the Star Wars universe...Dathomir probably.

Kiristo, I have to say I named my paladin in WoW"Kahlin" and my real life name is Colin :(. My jedi in SWG is also called that :/.

I like the name Ethanual. I used it for the first time on a barbarian berserker in EQ2. I also go by "Hoot" on one of my characters.
I would pronounce kahlin kay-lynn and honestly not notice the origin if you didn't point it out or pronounce it colin over vent.

I like to use Roman or Greek names for character names if my 2 favorite gamertags are not available or for WoW when you have several characters. I use a couple from the book Tides of War so they're not as popular and thus not taken. Also some of the Norse gods have cool names.
Mine is Seaweed, I like to easily recognize people calling me out and it's a word you would never use otherwise...come to think, it'd be a great safe word.
Anything consisting of, or referring to, "Soldier Boy" (because I refuse to say it the other way) is just retarded.
Last night I played Call of Duty: World at War with a person who went by the name of "chocolatefeces". I'm not saying it's the best or worst name, I'm just saying it made me stop and think for a little.
I always know when people are talking to me:
"Quack! QUACK!!! What kind of retard are you?"
(Mine is "lord quack")

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