Best and Worst Movie-to-Game Translations


What are the best and worst movie-to-game translations? I think the best would be King Kong (excluding the DS and GBA adaptions). They were actually a decent FPS. The worst is either ET for the Atario 2600 or Charlie's Angels for Gamecube. They were just awful.
Best? Goldeneye.

Worst? I can't be sure, but it seems that the worse the movie, the worse the game. Case in point: check out GR's review for Catwoman (the game).
Best (Besides Goldeneye): Definitely The Warriors (PRobably the best "Beat Em Up" I've ever played).

Worst: Bad Boys (Just an obligatory post, really).
I agree with ROH_mark.

Warriors is a stellar beat 'em up. Good movie translation on top of that.
Easily GoldenEye for me. Can't count the number of days spent playing that with buddies.

The worst, that I can remember, was probably Judge Dredd for the Playstation. I barely ever played game adaptations (on account of their notoriety), but for some reason I had a copy of Judge Dredd that someone must have picked out of the bargain bin. Light-gun games are usually pretty plain on their own, but when you factor in movie adaptation levels of badness... things get ugly. :sick:
There are also some terrific Star Wars games out there. Though, those mostly aren't true movie-to-game adaptations.
I'm not sure if this counts, but i'm going with KOTOR as the best movie-game. If I can't choose that, i'll go with Riddick, Tron 2.0 and King Kong (that was a pretty good game).

As for the worst......well...I have a brain and know that I should avoid movie-based games.
I don't think KotOR counts, since it takes place a few thousand years before the movies
how about all those disney games? from their medicore (some of them are) movies to even crappier games
Some of them were quite good actually. Fantasia, Aladdin and the Lion King for the Sega Genesis were all good games. From what I remember of Hercules for the PS One, that wasn't bad either.
goldeneye and the warriors for best, fantastic four for worst

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