Best and worst Christmas songs


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Oh god the absolute WORST is the fucking Bruce Springsteen version of "Santa Clause is Coming to Town" (to help all the hardworkin' folk in the factories, probably). Whenever this comes on the holiday radio, which is too often, I want to asphyxiate myself with a yule log.

My favorite has always been Blue Christmas, though I really don't like the Elvis version. The best is Johnny Cash.

Also love the Bright Eyes version

Speaking of Bright Eyes, if you haven't heard the Maria Taylor version of White Christmas, you're missing out (if you click any of these links, make it this one).
The best Christmas songs Vince Guaraldi's jazzy piano tunes from the Charlie Brown Christmas special. I don't need to bring up a youtube link because you know them already.

The worst Christmas song is the Paul McCartney and Wings' "Wonderful Christmas Time". For such an un-catchy and un-sing-alongable tune, it gets stuck in your head mighty easy. I'm not going to dig up a link because I don't want to subject people to it.
Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you".

It's sappy - but it's bouncy! And I like that.

The worst - Coldplay's Christmas song. I dont even know the name, but they released it last year. A band that aren't well known for their upbeat music doing a Christmas song?! Are you mad?!!
anything from the fucking justin bieber christmas album, i was channel surfing last night and ran in his fucking horrible song with mariah carey. it consisted of her singing super fucking loud with slow motion facial expressions, justin posing like a 17 year old looking lesbian 'who wears the pants' while he shoves endless nintendo plugged game systems into a shopping cart while it flashes 'Macy's' store signs everyone.

i almost punched my 3 year old son in the face i was so pissed. i'm so pissed thinking about it, i'm going to go wake him up from his nap with a some love filled child abuse.
I like country music, and sometimes I'll listen to the country music radio station. As long as it isn't November-January. Because I hate Christmas songs. Same shit, every year.

Seriously, would it be that fucking hard to write a new one?

Honestly, I'm probably 20 or so years from hating Christmas. Bah humbug.
You want to know what songs are great go watch some of the old christmas shows like 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town.' Those old shows make me feel like a kid again and i love the songs.
I heard "Have yourself a merry little Christmas" in the car on the drive home from work. That really got me in the mood for christmas so that has to be a contender for me.
Who sang it? The one with the man singing...

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