Assassin's Creed 2

Longo, you're going to force me to spend more money -_-

Ok, my next purchase seems to be AC1 to catch up!
Green_Lantern said:
I would say rent AC1 then buy AC2 personally...
Yeah, unless you can find 1 for real cheap. Although, owning it would allow you to kinda take your time in it, which is what you have to do.
I wouldn't agree with longo. Assassin's creed was notorious for having a nonsense story and this one has a very similar game mechanic. It is far, far more fun than the first, though.

I'd just read the wiki on the plot of the first and hop straight to this, Mattay.
I'm about 1/2 way through the story right now, and my biggest complaint so far is that combat is really just too easy. It defeats the purpose of remaining anonymous when you can just slice and dice right through any gaurds that confront you. In the middle of one of the mail carrier side missions I was confronted by 7 gaurds just short of my drop off point...I fought and killed all of them with enough time to still deliver the message and pass the mission.
I just rented this today, and I just got my sword and witnessed the first big spoiler, and I must say, the opening sequence with Desmond really sucked...At least that's not where the major part of the story takes place...
I just finished, and it's a definite WTF ending.

Overall, very good game. They added enough extra collectibles and missions to keep you interested throughout the game. The main story starts off slow but by the last few sequences I couldn't put the controller down...even though I had no idea what was going on with the story.

Some complaints...the assassination sequences (boss battles) were horribly flat and anti-climactic. In AC1 these sequences took place at a big gathering or event and made it feels as if there was some risk involved in moving throughout the area, also the gaurds pursued much better in AC1. In AC2 run up one building and you are home free after you just killed some major figure in history.

I'd like to see the next game up the difficulty overall, or if nothing else for the assassination sequences. I'd also like to see some destructable environments that you could use against your enemies. There were so many times when you are perched above enemies where it would be cool if there were a way to drop or collapse something on top of them and escape without ever being seen.

Now, it's time to try and 100% this beast. I've never fully completed a game and this is the first one i feel like it wouldn't be utter torture to go through again and find all the collectibles.
I'm getting it for my Bday on the 14th of Dec or Christmas.
I've played through the first from beginning to the wonderful 70 point achievement for just staying till the end of the credits. I love the ending fights in the first one, with the circle of templar guys. The combat system, while easy, also has that way of being perfect because you can parry and kill in a split second, or fail and die.
Got 100%, well 96.8% which is everything you can do without paying for the downloadable content...which I refuse to do because I paid $60 for the damn game a week ago and it should have been included.

I used guides, and it still took me 28 hours to do all the missions and collectibles. I never would do this type of a game without a guide...a lot of those feathers were in places I never would have looked without the guide. I don't think i'll ever 100% anything else, its just not worth the end I hated the game so much I just wanted it all to be over.
BigZell2020 said:
Got 100%, well 96.8% which is everything you can do without paying for the downloadable content...which I refuse to do because I paid $60 for the damn game a week ago and it should have been included

What DLC? I haven't heard anything about that.
napsterxxl said:
BigZell2020 said:
Got 100%, well 96.8% which is everything you can do without paying for the downloadable content...which I refuse to do because I paid $60 for the damn game a week ago and it should have been included

What DLC? I haven't heard anything about that.

I believe there is a bonus Uplay map, and I guess I was mistaken...the 3 additional sidequests were not DLC they were included the Black edition which I did not buy.
So it seems that the more I play AC2 the more I love it...Especially the Assassin's Tombs due to the fact that they add a rather unique change of pace to the rest of the game.

But I have to take it back tomorrow, so I probably won't get to play it again until around Christmas.
I've just finished the game, well I still have to get some feathers and stuff. It was incredibly fun.

The cities are wonderful and, although Ezio sometimes jumps to wherever he wants, free running can be very fun. Combat could have been tougher.

Also, there is going to be DLC. January and February 2010. Battle of Forli and Bonfire of the Vanities.
I haven't finished it yet, so I scrolled through most of the thread, buuttttt.... AC2 is probably going to be my GOTY. The aspects they've infused it with (Zelda, GTA) have really taken the game and made vast improvements on what was established in the first one. I can't help but wonder if the engine was what they spent most of the time on in the first one, knowing that they were going to blow the lid off the first one with the second installment.
My thoughts on the game:

It's a lot better than the first one. And that's saying something considering i highly regard the first one. However, as of right now I haven't completed the game because ubisoft is retarded. Lets only use autosave so gamers can't back up their game and when their xbox freezes during an autosave, we can all laugh at their corrupted saved game.
The first DLC ("Battle of Forli") is going to be released worldwide on January 28. It will be 320 Microsoft Point or $3.99 on PSN.

Can't wait for some more of Assassin's Creed 2 goodness.
^lol stooped nube. If you want help, at least tell us which one you're at.

I had some trouble with the Uplay tomb, but that was mostly because of the controls.

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