Arrested Development Watching Party (STARTS THURS Sign up!)

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Hi all, in addition to today's forum party, I was wondering if there was more stuff we could do together, like watch movies, read books, or clean up our neighborhoods and streams.

What do you guys think? If we had a movie watching party, should it be a new one or one readily available online via Netflix or whatever. Do you guys like community playdates or is it too hard to join since the games are too new or cost too much? The comic book club is slowly rumbling back into gear, but what about some other forum based activities?
We could always lock Longo in the storage closet and blow marijuana smoke into the room getting him really high.

Then to really get him, the storage closet will be full of canned munchies without a can opener.
I've been as active as I possibly can with community playdates. I love them and I'll try to make it to as many as I can.

I also think a movie watching party would be fun, but that might work better in chat.
I wonder what the analogy was. I have never watched The West Wing, Walking Dead or many other shows. We could do that. I agree with you Used. Movies are probably better for chat, but if we like marathoned a TV show and had set episode milestones, everyone could watch as they please and report in while they're watching.

Hell on Earth, WL. Hell on Earth.
Yeah but I really really do t want to watch The West Wing. How about...

I dunno
danielrbischoff said:
I wonder what the analogy was. I have never watched The West Wing, Walking Dead or many other shows. We could do that. I agree with you Used. Movies are probably better for chat, but if we like marathoned a TV show and had set episode milestones, everyone could watch as they please and report in while they're watching.

I dunno if you'd like The Walking Dead. I mean it's my bestest show on TV right now but FACK, is it intense, and depressing. And I always got the impression you don't like sad stuff.
If we do a series lets do something that's already finished. And is easily consumable on Netflix.
I think... for the inaugural we should do Arrested Development. In the US, it's available on Hulu, and yes I've watched like three times over on Netflix. Plus it's not very long. Milestones could be whole seasons with a week to watch.
Never seen Arrested Development, but have heard nothing but good stuff about it. I would definitely participate in a viewing.
Alright we got Paradox with that one. Any other suggestions? I should start another thread for this....

Any other ideas? More community playdates is what I think I'm going with next.
The West Wing might not be a good choice, but you guys should watch it, it's probably one of the best shows I've ever watched.
I've seen Arrested development oh, hundreds of times. But I never mind talking more about it.
OK, so in honor of new episodes coming to Netflix in the coming months, I'm going to host an Arrested Development watching party here on the forums.

You don't have to do much, just watch the episodes and meet here to discuss. I'll be posting as I watch episodes, but in order to make this fun and not stressful, please post here if you want to participate and how much time you would need to watch... let's say 6 episodes? A week? Two weeks? What is it?

Once we have signups I'll pick a period of time and a number of episodes to watch and we'll go from there.
Green_Lantern said:
Yeah, like a guy in a six thousand dollar suit is gonna watch a show with you all, c'mon!


I just finished watching American Horror Story and holy crap... I put it on the back burner for a long time around the half way point because I thought it was getting stupid but the last few episodes were so damn good and creepy as hell. Despite some ridiculous plot lines around the middle the show had excellent episodes in the beginning (I loved the Psycho references) and in the end.

Can't wait for American Horror Story Asylum but first I think some Arrested Development is in order, I could use a laugh :p
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