Achievements Too Easy?


I was gonna put this in Microsoft, but Games for Windows and Sony both have their "rewards", so I figured here should be good. Anyways...

I was playing Army of Two with my friend the other day and we beat the first level. Yay us, right? *Ding* I'm like, "What's that?" "Achievement Unlocked: Beat Level 1"

Seriously? We got an achievement for playing the game? I thought achievements were supposed to bring replayability to games and force you to go that extra mile, not sit back and watch the gamer points roll in while you trudge through the game.

I'm not sure how many other games are like this, but I think it kinda defeats the purpose of achievements. Beating the game is an achievement, finding all the *insert object*s is an achievement. Simply progressing in the game is not.

Maybe I'm alone on this, maybe I found the 1/100000000 case, but that's just my view. How about yours?
Yeah..... I don't see your point, achievements are pointless things to gloat about to friends that are bigger nerds than yourself, so who cares if some are easier than others? The only achievements I've ever enjoyed are ones that don't take themselves seriously, such as Flushed in Half Life 2.
Killing a man with a toilet? Fuck yes.
Whining about getting something for progressing in the game? Fuck no.
Since the PSN has profile levels, I'd say it's just rewarding for owning the game, like the developers want you to feel all fuzzy.

I'm currently a level 5 with 123 trophies, including a platinum.
Yokiro said:
The only achievements I've ever enjoyed are ones that don't take themselves seriously, such as Flushed in Half Life 2.

That and Spaceman, I think, from HL:EP2, where you gotta take the gnome into the rocket. Those achievements are fun and I think belong.
Youre forgetting that you payed 60 dollars for the game.
You forget that there are always those hella hard achievements to get.
Uver said:
Youre forgetting that you payed 60 dollars for the game.
You forget that there are always those hella hard achievements to get.

Oh, I know that every game has it's couple achievements that cause a hair-pulling-out level of frustration. I think on NCAA '09, there's something like throw a touchdown pass with your punter. I just think developers should spend more time coming up with more of those hard/fun achievements. Something that makes you go out of your way to get it.
Still, some of the games make other things unlockable with level progression. Like in Halo, if you beat so-and-so of the Campaign on Legendary, you get a new helmet for Multiplayer. Plus, it gives some people a reason to play through a single-player session. There's always a few fun achievements in games (except for f**king Madden), but really, they're just giving you ideas. You don't need to get a *Achievement Unlocked: 25G* to make it fun. In Fallout, you don't get an achievement for slicing a guy's head off with a plate from a Rock-It Launcher, but it's still really fun, something you would try to do, and would brag to your friends about. Achievements are there to give you other ideas, or to give you something to start with.
I'm not really sure what's so surprising about that...Pretty much every game has achievements for completing the story line, even the individual levels in the story...Not all achievements are supposed to be hard.
^Exactly. Two games that are notorious for easy achievements are Viva Pinata and that Avatar game. Both are meant for kids. The reason half of these games are "easy" are because kids play them, and it's gonna get easier and easier as more little kids are attracted to games like Halo and Fallout.
I don't mind that games have some easy achievements. Like with Rockband, you get achievements for silly things (getting a jet, playing a certain area) which are basically achievements for finishing certain songs at certain times.

Most of the games I've played have a nice mix of both easy ones and more difficult ones. If I'm just goofing off for a bit, it's nice to get an achievement for something silly. Like I'm actually accomplishing something instead of just sitting on my ass.

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