2 things


Can't change my profile image. Tried just about everything, so if you have any ideas, please help.

And I'd appreciate a custom title; Chronic Self-Pity
Rank is taken care of, but I forgot to capitalize the P like you wanted so I'll go back and fix that. :oops:

As for the profile pic, maybe try clearing your browsers cache? That sometimes helps with getting avatar pics to show. I'm not sure.
De-Ting.. The only way i can recognize you is through your profile picture. Don't take that away from me too. :oops:

Fuck, I want a rank, but can't think of anything good.
keepithowitis said:
De-Ting.. The only way i can recognize you is through your profile picture. Don't take that away from me too. :oops:
What, my avi? My profile pic's gone now. :p If I change my avi it'd probably be the same, just Squidward would be painted red and white.
The profile pics/avatars take a day to change. When I changed mine (both my pic and avatar) it said it made the changes, but it took a day to take in. These were my experiences at least.
yes, there are 3 caches that have to clear before you see a new pic: your local cache, the database cache, and the distributed bandwidth cache.

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