"If I wasn't working at GR, I'd be..."


Just curious where you think you'd most likely be if it weren't for GR. I'm sure this has been asked over the years, but I can't recall.

So anyways, where do you think you'd be? Drunk and wallowing in self pity for having studied journalism, hoping for a zombie breakout only you have the exclusive to?

The world wants to know!

Serious answers preferrably.
I would be a low life WoW player who has 30 level 70 characters, who orders pizza every night, and has enough coke cans in my room to build a Fiat.

I am that now, exept replace 'WoW' with 'Crysis'..

PLEASE employ me!!! :(
I'm still trying to get into GR as the "European games" reviewer. Can I get back to you once I land that position?
Hey Nubs- the question started was "If I wasn't working at GR..." Some questions are for the wholly mighty GRandmasters.

Honor that.
If you read my reply again, you'll see that I fully understand that, Stalfros; I just wanted to have a little fun by specifying that I cannot answer to the question at the current time because - surprise, surprise - I'm not working for GR. I will of course never become their "European games" reviewer either.

Reading comprehension. A wonderful tool, isn't it?
Yeah, too bad you didn't use all of your "comprehension" when you went ahead and answered a question that wasn't for you. Har Har.

Anyhow, I am interested in hearing this. I'd imagine Duke would be selling used cars and joeblow would be doing his best Joe Buck impersonation in NYC, right Cowboy?
I'm still confused as to how my first post could make it unclear that I knew the question wasn't for me as such...

*looks at the post again*

Nope, still looks clear to me that I knew this at the time.
Hawk, I understand that you got the question wasn't for you- what you don't get is that when the question ISN'T for you, don't answer. :)

We want to hear the GMs respond.
I thought his reply was kind of humorous. I don't get when people get all huffy about people posting in topics addressed to the GMs. It's not like they're ever in here to reply themselves.
Game designer with an emphasis on game writing. Hopefully for Quantic Dream or a company that's innovative in writing.
Nick_Tan said:
Game designer with an emphasis on game writing. Hopefully for Quantic Dream or a company that's innovative in writing.

I had half a mind to apply for the recent Bioware opening for a writer but they wanted you to do a 20 min module with a full quest string with both positive and negative outcomes in their Neverwinter Nights builder. Talk about a snooze fest. <.<
StalfrosCC said:
Nick_Tan said:
Game designer with an emphasis on game writing. Hopefully for Quantic Dream or a company that's innovative in writing.

I had half a mind to apply for the recent Bioware opening for a writer but they wanted you to do a 20 min module with a full quest string with both positive and negative outcomes in their Neverwinter Nights builder. Talk about a snooze fest. <.<

Call me bitter but that almost sounds like they're making you do the work, only to reject your application while taking credit for your ideas in their next installment. The only benefit of the doubt comes from the fact that it's Bioware, so I guess they want writers to know their stuff through and through. Still, a 20-min module for Neverwinter Knights is like a freakin' two-day project in its own right - and that's if you have the time.
Yeah. That was the giant turnoff. They didn't want to see any portfolio or past writing projects. They wanted to see you do something with their own (old) game.
wow, it's hard to say. i've been at gr for 12 years now, and it was a pretty random series of events that led to me starting the site.

before that i was the i.t. manager for a small chain of mortgage banks. so i might still be doing lan stuff. however my hobby has always been brewing beer, so i'd like to say i would have done something cool like start a brewpub.

or maybe i'd just be a heroin junky.
madster111 said:
I would be a low life WoW player who has 30 level 70 characters, who orders pizza every night, and has enough coke cans in my room to build a Fiat.

I am that now, exept replace 'WoW' with 'Crysis'..

PLEASE employ me!!! :(

30 level 70's is staggering, who the hell ha the time for that?
Being the masterful programmer I am, if I wasn't at GR I would have probably have started the next interweb craze by now, I would command a vast army of highly adaptive robots that would have brought peace and harmony to the universe and money would rain from the sky.

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