Why you should NOT win or represent Alienware at E3


Hello, my name is Chris_Crime. I weigh in at a svelte 420 pounds and hail from parts unknown, Wisconsin.

My first 3 games were Milton Bradley's Operation, a half-finished maze found on the back of a Kip's Big Boy restaurant placemat, and Wall Ball (a ball that is thrown at a wall--Wall Ball).

My long term goal is to be less like Goofus and more like Gallant. I currently make a living selling ironic retro t-shirts online. If you've seen at least one Thundercats t-shirt for sale online, then you've seen them all and they all probably started with me.

I really could care less about going to this year's E3, which is to say my amount of care could possibly far exceed my current level of care if I were to muster up the energy to try. Lots of people get the phrase confused..."could care less" vs. "couldn't care less." I refuse to weigh in on the matter until more research is done. I'll withhold my judgment.

Due to my research in, umm................................................................................................................ in Hitman on Xbox. Alright, look, I've gotten Silent Assassin on every map but one on Hitman: Blood Money. The Playboy mansion stage, how do you get passed the upstairs guards? dude, they're standing right next to the helicopter. They're, like, right upstairs, there's, like, 5 of them.

That's impossible.

anyway, when you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are.
Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase and, USED44, it ain't no passing craze. it AINT

You, the befriending bird. I, the majestic fish.

Let's go exploring.

I always wonder how long Chris thinks this stuff up. Because I swear, he could go off and be a comedian, entering the world of being underpaid and under-appreciated.
You're saying this post took you almost a MONTH for you to mock me with?
Didn't you learn in high school bullying wasn't nice?

Mocking people that have a genuine interest in something, are you fucking 5?

Just joining this community and getting harassed by assholes like you within a month, doesn't make a good impression for the site. Especially someone that has experience on this site, I'd expect more.
I assure you he's not messing with you Shenta. Chris_Crime is the class clown so to speak, he loves making people laugh, and he fucking makes us laugh!

Please dont take it the wrong way ;)
Shenta said:
You're saying this post took you almost a MONTH for you to mock me with?
Didn't you learn in high school bullying wasn't nice?

Mocking people that have a genuine interest in something, are you f****** 5?

Just joining this community and getting harassed by assholes like you within a month, doesn't make a good impression for the site. Especially someone that has experience on this site, I'd expect more.



Secondarily... we mock eachother on a daily basis. If you don't take it like a man at least this much you will only face psychological traumas.

Chill and enjoy the atmosphere, when people laugh at you, laugh with them.

And then!... you break their necks. With an Alienware PC! Problem solved.

Yeah, what Kijan said. Shenta, so far you seem to take every joke like a bald man takes a toupee, since it goes over your head. Now you seem like a good guy with a good head on your shoulders, but you need to take a deep breath and laugh a little. It'll do you wonders, I swear.
Longo_2_guns said:
Yeah, what Kijan said. Shenta, so far you seem to take every joke like a bald man takes a toupee, since it goes over your head. Now you seem like a good guy with a good head on your shoulders, but you need to take a deep breath and laugh a little. It'll do you wonders, I swear.
It just looked more like mocking then joking. From my point of view at least. You have to understand. People are not friendly on other sites. And Xbox Live as well.

So when someone jokes with you on any of those and they don't know you to well. They're not joking. They're trolling _._

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