Settle an argument...

Longo_2_guns said:
The tl;dr of it is your brain assumes there's a blue filter on it and removes it.
So if you see anything other than blue and black, you have a dumb brain.

Hmm, I see a blue hue AND I have a dumb brain.
Considering the kinds of things that go viral I'd say this is one of the cooler things. Typically viral videos make you feel stupider after watching them but this dress fiasco encourages people to learn a bit about how our eyes work and how we perceive colours.

To learn more about why I said colours, consult your local library.
The problem is that the dress in real life is blue and black, but in that picture, it's light blue and dark brown. So the concepts that they're trying to teach you about your eyes aren't applied to this situation.
^Yet half of people were able to immediately discern that the dress was dark blue and black, so you sort of broke your own argument.

The color of the dress in reality is irrelevant. The conversation is about the odd exposure on the photograph that makes your brain assume certain colors/filters.
WickedLiquid said:
To learn more about why I said colours, consult your local library.
Did you know that the reason that people in the British empire spell stuff extra long, like colour rather than color, was because early British printers could charge by the letter. So they add stuff to words to extend them and charge more. The Americans, fighting a war, shortened words to cheapen the cost of printing them.
Canada I tell ya. We've got British spelling, American culture and French Cuisine. When we could have had British culture, American spelling and French nothing.
used44 said:
^Yet half of people were able to immediately discern that the dress was dark blue and black, so you sort of broke your own argument.

The color of the dress in reality is irrelevant. The conversation is about the odd exposure on the photograph that makes your brain assume certain colors/filters.

If you say you see blue and black, you've already seen the dress without the weird lighting, and you're cheating. Nobody looks at that picture and sees dark blue and black, unless they are colorblind (no U) and need to get their eyes checked.
Ok, you're still proving the colors used in the photograph, not the color of the dress. Your eyes see a poor photo, and some people's brains adjust it one way and some people adjust it another.
You're always just so fun to talk to. God Bless. I'll take my answer off-air.
Even on drugs I still only see a black and blue dress in an over saturated image. This made me sad and wonder if I should try other drugs.
Haha what the fuck?

Seems the original is blue and black, but some nobhead tipped the brightness up when there is a bit more Y in the black. black is usually 20 20 20 100 if you want an even spread. And if you just do 0 0 0 100 you get a horrible gradient (on print anyway).

In the OP image Wicked posted - it's absolutely gold and blue at the top, and then black comes in more at the bottom. Are you people who are saying it's blue and black not seeing the gold at the top? I get that on the actual dress is black but in that image it's gold.

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