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Ok, well if I have quoted someone without giving credit show me where and I'll rectify it. As far as causing emotional damage to you is concerned though, take a look at Lord Justice Sedley's quote again, free speech covers the heretical (I'm sure we can agree that applies here), the contentious, the unwelcome and even the provocative. You may not like what we're saying but that does not give you the right to revoke our right to say it. "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" - Voltaire.

If it is an April Fools then it's out of time anyway, way too late in the day to be valid. It'd be quite a good idea though, considering how recent this Bro. Randy fella came to light on the GR boards.

TheNesMan said:
Silios_The_Lich_ said:
TheNesMan said:
This would be a mighty fine april fools joke.

My money's on TNO... or Icepick... or frodo... or duke... :?
You just listed half of Gr's population.

No I just listed the people who find April fools jokes to be humorous. Granted, TNO is gone, this isn't Icepick's style, frodo would of gave it away by now, and I doubt duke would do this.
God, I dread the day TNO returns and gives this guy mod status. :(

its Shane!

if bro randy really beleives in christianity, then why is he threatening us with lawsuits that could apply to nearly anyone who has participated in the internet. isnt that petty compared to gods judgement?
A quote directly from Bro. Randy:

Call me harsh if you want.

I have changed my opinion of what should happen to those who would abuse a child.

I have now decided that any man who abuses a child should be neutered, branded, not tattooed, on the forehead with a large 'C' for child molester, then placed into the general population of the roughest prison to be found.

He's such a forgiving man. Jesus would be proud.
Actually, Jesus would call him a hypocrite like us all. Thats the ironic part, the person he's "following" is saying hes a scumbag.
Mr. Randy should have consulted a lawyer who lives in the real world. That is, not a bible beater.

Actually, I'm surprised that someone as devoted and confident in his beliefs as Mr. Randy would be emotionally distressed by the statements of a few heathens on the internet. It's not like God would be listening to us and taking suggestions! (Dare I suggest that our friend could be motivated by money?! Running a board aint cheap, especially when you're too busy preaching to do real work!)
I love how they assume all atheists are homosexual, sex crazy, have abortions all the time and are without morals. :p
Well Randy can because he's got his own message board and closes down any topic where he feels there may be some debate, once he gets his own opinion in of course.

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