You Know What I Really Miss?

I miss my 16-bit too. I really miss my Shining force and it being a strategy game and not a hack and slash.

Every once in a while I miss Everquest, the OG (for me) of MMORPG.

I miss having as much time to play games. School and work full time have me bogged down. Even as much as to pass up consentual relations last week for a solid night of Dragon Age.

I miss the way old school JRPG's used to make me feel. Getting a great cast of characters together to save the world was simply the best. Mechainically old school JRPGs are stale for me. Last really good one I played was Shin Megami Tensei.
PC games made for PC instead of some shitty port. I want to make the most out of my rig and my mouse/keyboard, i don't want it to be just a glorified console.

And thank you Bioware for not making the PC version of Dragon Age a shitty port, you gave me hope!
Lethean said:
I miss the majority of FPS and other action titles being more single player oriented.

indeed. it was usually left up to the modding community to build multiplayer if they felt a game warranted such. which brings me to my next point. the modding community isn't as large as it once was.
Tykk said:
And thank you Bioware for not making the PC version of Dragon Age a shitty port, you gave me hope!

That and I believe DICE is giving Battlefield; Bad Company 2 a bunch more stuff for PC gamers and [is saying] that it'll be for PC-only. But anything is subject to change these days.
I miss AKi wrestling games
I miss the Rare / Nintendo partnership
I miss the Sega / Nintendo console wars
I miss the Game Genie and how it made a frankenstein beast of console's cartridge slot
I miss a ton of old IPs like Earthworm Jim and even Bubsy
I miss the cool gimmicks like the Sonic and Knuckles stackable cart thing
I miss lots of things.. battle of the mascots.. 2D platforming.. when every game didn't look the same.. Nintendo without the silly gimmick controls
To be honest, I don't even recall the original dashboard. I guess that just goes to show you how irrelevant it really is.

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