I got a PS4.
Nothing against Microsoft or X-Box at all. Long story short, we had a Gamecube than my brother wanted a PS2 because of Final Fantasy X, so we eventually got one and honestly it kinda just went on from there. Had a PS2, got a PS3. Had a PS3, got a PS4. That and with my PS3 I learned my Playstation Plus account could carry over to my PS4, so that was a selling point for me.
I'm happy with the PS4. I like the controller and I like the games I have so far. To be fair though, most of the games I have you can get on the X-Box One anyway. The only exclusive I have is InFamous: Second Son and while it's a good game, it's not enough justification to buy a PS4.
If you're into HD movies, PS4 has Blu-Ray support while X-Box One didn't... however, I do believe the X-Box One is now capable of playing Blu-Ray movies due to a recent update.
You probably won't care about this but some people do. Most PS4 games play at a native 1080p resolution while a lot of X-Box One games play at 720p or 900p resolution. It's important to some people, some people don't care.
I think it'll really come down to the games to determine what console you want. Both the PS4 and the X-Box One don't really have that many games yet, even so most of the games are on the other console anyway, so really it'll depend on the exclusives you want. I'm a big fan of the Uncharted series, so I'm happy to see Uncharted 4: A Thief's End coming to the PS4 in the future. Since I'm also a fan of Dark Souls, I'm thrilled that Bloodborne is coming to PS4 too as an exclusive. It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't an exclusive, but I'd be kicking myself if I didn't have a PS4 in regards to Bloodborne.
Then there's Playstation Plus versus X-Box Live. I don't know what XBL offers, but with Playstation Plus, they often sell games at discounted prices, sometimes even for free (I got Deadspace 3 on the PS3 for free via Playstation Plus). Compare the two and see which one is better for you.
I think for you though Green_Lantern, X-Box One might be the way to go, purely because you have an active X-Box Live account.