X-BOX 360 vs. PS3. What to buy?


Okay here's the deal:

I'm not really sure wich console to buy.

Well... That wasn't too hard to explain :)

Well tell me why I should buy the X-BOX 360 and tell me why I should buy the PS3.. Help an old Dragon out (from the previous ranking system)...

I've head alot about fewer games for the PS3 because It'll be too expensive.. And the X-BOX 360 has a complete mediacenter included, which can record tv to the harddisc and stuff.. I've always been a playstastion guy.. But should I continue?

It's all about what you're willing to pay. If the Ps3 and xbox 360 were the same price, it would be an extremely easy decision, but they're not and it's not. I'll end up waiting a year for the ps3 to allow the prices to drop, but i'm not sure if you can do that for i'll have my precious wii to entertain me.
As someone who's actually played all three systems, I can give you a bit of advice, but I won't tell you to buy anything specific.

X360) It enters its second year and seems to be getting better. With some AAA titles coming out this holiday, including Gears of War, X360 owners finally have the software to show off their hardware. It's been a bit of a long wait though. With a focus on online gaming over XBLive, Microsoft has done a better job with online integration then either of its competitors.

PS3) Expensive game system, but a cheap Blu-Ray player. If you geek on movies, you might want this one. None of the games in the launch lineup are that compelling though. Also, every single game I've played looks no better, and in some cases worse, than what I've seen on the X360. Technically, it has the ability to look better than the X360, but then again, technically the Saturn could do more than the original Playstation and never got there. Also, if you want this system, you will have to be lucky to get one. Only 400K at launch with (maybe) 700K by the new year. I don't trust that second number though. Personally, if I do end up getting my hands on a launch system, I will most likely ebay it, take my profits, and buy a PS3 again when there are games I want to play on it.

Nintendo) I've decided that I refuse to call this thing a Wii. It's a Nintendo. And its pretty cool. Though a bit gimmicky with some games, the motion sensing is top notch. I see this as a more casual machine than the other two. Graphically, Nintendo's machine is not in the same league as the PS3 or the Wii. Graphics are comparible to high end original Xbox games, which really isn't that bad. I don't see this as my primary gaming system, but I'll definitely own one.

So, those are my thoughts on the systems. Looking over them, I seem more positive on the X360, but then again, its the only system out right now so I've had the most time with it.

*Marketing Schill Moment* If you do pick up a Wii, make sure to get Elebits! *Moment Ended*

Yes, I am marketing scum. :P

- Colin
"Nintendo's machine is not in the same league as the PS3 or the Wii"

Hehe. Anyways, i heard that they're apparently planning on 1.2 million consoles by the end of the year. I just read that article today.
I have 360, but of the choices, I would pick the Wii over everything. Yes it does not seem like its a mainstream system, but at the same time its also going to be owned by everyone, according to analysts and by public opinion ....so what is truely mainstream here??
Well, the XBox 360 is first and foremost a gaming system. They'll be providing HD-DVD support later on, but as an external attachment.

If you're going to want some sort of HD movie support, then get a PS3. It'll double as a cheap BluRay player, however your investment may be for nothing, if Sony's history with failed formats (BetaMax, Memory Stick, ATRAC3, Memory Stick, etc.) continues with BluRay.

The biggest thing - in my mind - that's going to set the PS3 and XBox 360 apart will be first party titles. All other cross platform games (discounting the Wii) will be developed for the lowest common denominator, so the differences will be sort of like the differences between the XBox and the PS2 right now.
I, personally, went with the X360. It fits what I need to do, it's out, and it's $200 cheaper than a PS3 will be.

It really comes down to first party choices and HD movie support.
I'd personally stay out of the HD movie battle until a winner is decided.
Yeah, my biggest doubt about the success of the PS3 is that I would think most of the early adopters would've already picked a side on the HD movie battle, and that most of the other people are holding off until one format is the "winner" (probably just gonna end up whoever is cheaper, but that's another story altogether).
So it's likely that:
Anyone who is already on the HD-DVD side will not pay an extra $200 for a system with a BluRay player they'll never use.
Anyone who is waiting to pick a side on the HD movie format war will probably not spend the extra $200 for a console with a BluRay player (although the likelihood that they do is much greater than someone who's already chosen HD-DVD).
Anyone who does not have an HDTV will probably not bother with a PS3, due to the extra cost.

The PS3 will sell plenty of units. There are enough dedicated Sony fans that the system won't totally tank. And I'm glad, actually. I wanna see a good fight. :)
PS3s gonna rock dude! I know its gonna sell out real early cause there is going to be a small amount of them in stores, but for a while its going to be a top seller cause its always gonna sell out.

Now I got a 360 already, but once the PS3 comes in im probably gonna sell it so I can buy a PS3. the graphics look awesome and the games look great too. so I cant wait until I get a PS3.
I'm going with the 360 this Christmas. For starters, Wii and PS3 are still new consoles and thus automatically prone to potential hardware failures. In addition, aside from MGS4 and Legends of Zelda, neither console has any real must buy exclusive titles. The Wii may be affordably priced, but none of its games appeal to me. As for the PS3, well...I love the idea of playing MGS4, but the price tag is just too freaking high.

But for the 360, you have Gears of War coming up, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Ninja Gaiden, Lost Planet, etc, and the package itself isn't outrageously expensive either.



The Ps3 is probally a better system.

Seeing is how Xbox sort of rushed the 360 out.

But it all comes down to the games. People are sort of forgetting the purpose of consoles. To play games, and the games on playstation... Just arn't as good as the feautured ones on Xbox.

Xbox :wink:
The PS3 is looking to be THE most overhyped console ever made. For one (Sony must be pretty sick) the graphics shown for the PS3 when it was revealed, have now been bested by the XBox 360. Plus the 360 has LIVE and brilliant PC connectivity. Then there is the 360's superior games and features. The PS3 will be a big seller, but it certainly doesn't deserve to be.... The Xbox 360 and Wii would be a good combo of consoles (and they can be gotten for around the same amount of money as a PS3!)

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