WWE:smackdown VS raw 2006


Wonder if anyone knows how to contact THQ, in regards of leaving comments, either praises or beefs, with any of their products. My comments would be of WWE: smackdown VS raw 2006 for PS2. One main issue, is the fact that you can beat the living s**t outta someone, and they can still BEAT you!!! Also in season mode, you play all the way through, win the title, and, and... thats it. You can't play another season as the champ. I don't know if THQ knows it or not, but in wrestling it's not just about becoming the champ, it's also about BEING the champ, and defending your title. In this game the only way you can do this, is in EXHIBITION mode!!!
THQ have done a sh!t job with every single RAW game. Dissapointing..they should have done surveys or something..
tell you what, you discover a way to take a game with voiceovers and plenty of talent, and multiple storylines, which completley fills that disc up, and cram another season or two, with multiple storylines and voiceovers on top of that, than you submit your little idea and i'm sure THQ and YUKES will absolutley love to do it

if you're still reading, I'm assuming you're a little slow on developing a new, ps2 friendly disc, if so, stop your fucking crying. The fans scream out for voiceovers, they scream out for an enlarged roster, they scream out for more legends, better entrances, and rounder tits on the divas, and when you get all that you all wonder why the season mode is one fucking season.

you really have no place to bitch and whine than if you agree with me so far, go snag hear comes the pain for all of 15 bucks, looks just as good, but no voices, just random generic storylines lasting you for as long as your greedy little heart desires

you can't have the best of both worlds

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