Welcome to the Game Revolution 2013 Game of the Year showdown!
Enjoy some well-written defenses of some of the year's best games, then vote on which game you want to see advance!
Today's round one match-up is: Fire Emblem: Awakening vs. State of Decay
Fire Emblem: Awakening is brought to us by madster111!
Why is Fire Emblem: Awakening the best game of 2013?
Best in a series of great games, awesome story and extremely addictive.
Is Fire Emblem: Awakening dumbed down to appeal to casual fans?
You can select a mode that disables permanent death, but the original insanely hard perma death mode is still there, so not really.
How is Fire Emblem: Awakening better than State of Decay?
Because links is a poo poo head
State of Decay is brought to us by LinksOcarina!
Why is State of Decay the best game of 2013?
No other game is able to really capture a life or death situation like State of Decay. It is one of the most purest forms of survival horror to come out this year, and one of the best simulations of a fictional scenario ever to be caught in game form.
Does State of Decay feel too much like a "rough draft" to be considered for GOTY?
Would Minecraft be a bad game if its the same way? State of Decay has gone through many changes, starting as a MMO much like the ARMA II Mod, Day Z. However, the transition to a single player experience gives us character, scenarios, plot and hard decisions. This alone gives us enough content for a game that, despite 1/4 of the budget of a standard AAA title, it can hold its own with them toe for toe in terms of entertainment.
How is State of Decay better than Fire Emblem: Awakening?
What really makes State of Decay so good is how it reflects hard decisions. In Awakening, you have the option to put your game in easy mode by letting companions survive if they fall in battle. State of Decay doesn't give you that option. Every choice you make is more life or death, more strategic than anything Fire Emblem can muster. It is simply a more disciplined simulation that will punish you for bad decisions, forcing you to learn from mistakes instead of leaving things to luck or misguided tactics.
Continue the discussion below and vote for which game you want to see advance to round two.
Enjoy some well-written defenses of some of the year's best games, then vote on which game you want to see advance!
Today's round one match-up is: Fire Emblem: Awakening vs. State of Decay
Fire Emblem: Awakening is brought to us by madster111!

Why is Fire Emblem: Awakening the best game of 2013?
Best in a series of great games, awesome story and extremely addictive.
Is Fire Emblem: Awakening dumbed down to appeal to casual fans?
You can select a mode that disables permanent death, but the original insanely hard perma death mode is still there, so not really.
How is Fire Emblem: Awakening better than State of Decay?
Because links is a poo poo head
State of Decay is brought to us by LinksOcarina!

Why is State of Decay the best game of 2013?
No other game is able to really capture a life or death situation like State of Decay. It is one of the most purest forms of survival horror to come out this year, and one of the best simulations of a fictional scenario ever to be caught in game form.
Does State of Decay feel too much like a "rough draft" to be considered for GOTY?
Would Minecraft be a bad game if its the same way? State of Decay has gone through many changes, starting as a MMO much like the ARMA II Mod, Day Z. However, the transition to a single player experience gives us character, scenarios, plot and hard decisions. This alone gives us enough content for a game that, despite 1/4 of the budget of a standard AAA title, it can hold its own with them toe for toe in terms of entertainment.
How is State of Decay better than Fire Emblem: Awakening?
What really makes State of Decay so good is how it reflects hard decisions. In Awakening, you have the option to put your game in easy mode by letting companions survive if they fall in battle. State of Decay doesn't give you that option. Every choice you make is more life or death, more strategic than anything Fire Emblem can muster. It is simply a more disciplined simulation that will punish you for bad decisions, forcing you to learn from mistakes instead of leaving things to luck or misguided tactics.
Continue the discussion below and vote for which game you want to see advance to round two.