World Ends With You Review

insightful. or you have eerie mind reading powers. greg gave it an A, but (after extensive play) (and discussions with greg) I marked it down to an A-.

it is hard to get an A around here. and it was why the review took so long to get published.
Based on the tone of the review it seemed like it was A material to me. I would figure that would be the most likely because the A is also a tough grade to get here to begin with, so I figure that would of been the point of contention for the game.

I also read minds. This is how I win money in poker too.
Thanks Links!

At this point only time will tell if World Ends With You has the staying power to be an A game. I was bummed that I couldn't convince Duke to keep the grade, but the more sobering thought is that the game is so weird, obscure and hardcore, that I can't imagine people talking about it in The Future. Even with the first print run selling out!

On the bright side, I've been finding some great unlockable items even this late into the game; I'm digging into the bonus missions and there's still a ton of cool stuff to chase. What a cool game!


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