Why you would/wouldn't want to go to PAX (Post in here)


Last time, there were several threads about the E3 sweepstakes. I'm creating this thread to help organize So, post your reasons why you would/wouldn't want to go to PAX. I'll start first as an example for new members.

"Hi, I'm UghRochester and the reason why I would want to go is; I would be more enthusiastic than Mike Kim, wear a bikini, eat a Klondike bar, and possibly cut my hair. I know this reason isn't that bland, but It would be an honor to serve both Alienware and GR."

Just in case some forum members have no idea what I'm talking about. Check the darn homepage once in a while!
http://www.gamerevolution.com/manifesto ... ution-6641
Hi, I'm Squiggy and this is why I want to go:

I've been following Game Revolution, my favorite gaming site, since 1998. I'm a huge gaming fan, and I've always wanted, but was never able, to attend any big conventions or expos.

And I will do whatever is asked of me. I'll wear the luchador mask I won from a Haiku Friday and appear on camera speaking fake Spanish for all the GRevolutionaries to see, if you want me to. Alienware can ask me to do silly things too, and I'll do them. I'll put on a purple thing and dance around. Iiiif you have a purple thing for me to put on. A grape costume maybe?

I'll demonstrate my Evil Laugh too. Seriously, it's quite impressive. I'm known for it at the haunted house I act for every Halloween.
Oh. Well, I wasn't ready for this...

Actually, I can't go anyway unless GR is willing to offer me a job until I start at UC Berkeley this spring, but still.
I want to go to PAX with Daniel because I like games and I like Game Revolution. Plus, me and my friend will be your bodyguards in case you get into trouble in PAX even backing you up if you want to punch someone. Would you even need bodyguards in PAX? I don't know but you'd never know. I'd even be willing to take a bullet for you... to the face. And afterwards I'll even share my pizza with you.
Salutations! I am the one who posts in this forum under the name Sightless, and I would absolutely LOVE to go to PAX Prime, because it is one of the biggest gaming conventions around. If there are two things that I love, they are gaming and conventions; therefore, this is, as you can imagine, a brilliant opportunity for me. I thrive in the environment of a convention, so I'd be at my very best and GR would definitely be well represented. I've had my eye on PAX for a while, and I guess now would be a great time to score a trip with a couple of great people!

Also, I find shyness to be cute. ;)

...Oh! No, I read the rules and regulations as recorded by GR, Gorilla NationMedia, LLC, etc.. I was not entering the "Sweepstakes", but replying to Daniel's post, and this thread. I have no doubt that I would be an excellent companion for the duration of the convention, and I continue to be open to receiving passes to PAX Prime.

Thank you!
I'll take you out drinking some night, Daniel. It'll be cool.

Seriously, though, Berkeley has been my dream school since I was like 8 years old. Long before GR.
The "wouldn't" part of this topic title confuses me. This negativity is what forced GR to fire Ugh after that one day.
used44 said:
The "wouldn't" part of this topic title confuses me. This negativity is what forced GR to fire Ugh after that one day.
Well, last time members posted they're excuses of why they're not entering. So, I just placed "wouldn't" in the title.
I actually can't enter, so good call. My excuse is that I work like a madman, bur I will make it to PAX someday soon. And when I go I'll be sure to get in touch with GR regardless of if I won some contest or not.

Really hope a forum member wins this so we can get pics and stories and whatnot.
I would love to go. It's actually in my ten things I really want, but could never afford (time and money) to do. I'm in a similar boat as our Alaskan Assassin.
Just letting you know i'm still open.

Airfares from Aus to the US aren't too expensive - I'd make a holiday out of it.

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