Which version of Madden 10 should I buy?

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Should I get Madden 10 for the XBox 360 or for the Playstaion 2?

I always enjoyed how on PS2 the players got upset when you wouldn't play them, the training camp mini-games before each season (360s TC mini games pale in compairson, IMO), and how the game would tell you how to attack each team the week before the game. It made it feel like there was more than just game after game. I liked the practice plays every week, too. I also loved the accelerated 15 minute quarter clock which would allow for more realistic stats and took about the same amount of time to play as 5 minute quarters. Do they have any of these features in the 360 version?

Basically those are the reasons why I WOULDN'T want the 360 version but that group tackling feature looks pretty cool in this year's game. Plus the graphics look amazing!

What do you guys think?
You're just gonna get biased responses if you put this in either the ps3 or 360 forum - just stick it in general gaming (mods will probably do that soon).
...so...you put a question in the sony forum, asking weather to buy a game on the playstation, or xbox, then get douchey when someone says that it's not the greatest idea?

*sigh*. Just basic common sense would tell you that is a bad idea.

On subject, only a fool would buy a game on a previous-gen console instead of a current-gen. Or spend any money whatsoever on an EA sports game.
I'm going to go ahead and move this and tell you to stop being a douche Doobie.

Doobie - Stop being a douche.

Also, just wait a year and buy the game for 3.99 at gamestop or something.

Edit: Don't make the same topic in two forums. Use the general gaming forum next time.
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