Madden NFL 11 360 v PS2

Alright, I feel like a sucker again for the third year in a row.

I own a PS2 and an XBox 360. For the past three years I have bought Madden on 360 and have been so very dissapointed every year. It looks nice but the gameplay is horrible compared to the PS2 version and there's no..."heart" to it, for lack of a better term. No training camp mini games to progress players, no newspaper headlines, no strategy betweem games. I just can't get into it. And don't get me started about the super cheese of online play. It's the most retarded online game ever where you only need to run 7 plays to win and punts are rare.

My question is, for those of you who have purchased the PS2 version, how does it compare to 08 (the last time I bought Madden for PS2)? Does it still have all the, I don't know...FUN still in it? I just want to play offline so I don't care about that part.
I'm in shock .. that a PS2!!! (wtf) out games the next gen version of itself. I never play Madden games, but I do play NHL games on different consoles and for me, I usually pick the one I can play with my buddies more online. But if the online is that lame and cheap, go with the one you will actually enjoy playing single player IMO.
I looked up some reviews for both, it seems the PS2 version gets about 6/10 and the 360 version gets 8/10. The only problem is that for the PS2 version it's just user ratings w/o any actual comments on the gameplay .. so, I guess that doesn't really give you much info. lol.
Ya I mean it's a beautiful game. All the details are there. But everyone knows the "money plays" and just use those ones. It's so borken it's not even funny.

I just remember how much fun I had playing the AI in previous Maddens and all the extras that were in those games. I wonder what ever happened to lead blocker control and the QB vision cone and all the other stuff that made the game more than just "o look some1 is open let me press this button yay I win". That's the mentality of all the little jagoffs these days. Make it easy and dumb it down so that the people who actually want to PLAY, can't. /end rant

Anyways, if anyone has the newest PS2 version let me know! I'm very interested to know what features are still in the game from years past that the developers are either too lazy or just too worried about how it looks on the 360. I might have a Madden 11 360 to sell ya lol
From what I remember next-gen Madden was always pretty disappointing until last year's Madden '10. That game basically took the next-gen Madden and made it good. At the same time the previous-gen Madden (for the PS2) got crappy. The 360 one is the way to go
Oh ya? I was pretty dissapointed in last year's Madden but I did like the improved presentation. Now they took out most of the presentation elements like the halftime show and added whoever that God awful guy is on commentary that yells about EVERYTHING! Why can't they just combine everything that works? I want the pretty but I want the substance, too!

Anyway, any idea what is still in and what got cut out of that version? Thanks!
This should help you find out what's in and what's out.

In terms of commentary I tend to just turn it off anyway. For some reason with all the new technology the commentators still manage to sound like someone's pushing buttons on a soundboard for talking about teams or players. Acceptable for Madden 2000 but you'd think they would have fixed it now.

And who cares about halftime shows? This is a videogame
About the halftime shows, it was kind of cool to see "reports" from around the league about the games going on that day. To see how Michael Turner had 120 yards at halftime of his game. I don't know...I just like details.

Which the graphics are amazing on the 360. Don't get me wrong. But the substance is definately lacking. I should have just got the PS2 version lol
Last gen Madden plays so much better than this gen. Yea, the graphics are lacking for obvious reasons but overall the game executes much better on almost every level.

Until they strip all the current animations and replace them with about 50,000 new ones...the game will continue to feel entirely stale and half assed to me. There are no consecutive hit tackles, one animation starts and all the players around just fall to the ground and have no effect on the outcome of the play. It's just pathetic really.
Madden on the 360 is really damn good this year. Huge improvement over the other games this generation. The only thing I'm missing from the PS2/Xbox days is the franchise mode with all the cool options and progressions.
I noticed some slowdown on the PS3 Madden demo during the cutscenes in between plays, not actually during the gameplay. Any slowdown on the 360 Madden?
My friend got Madden 11 for 360, and there is a bit of microstutter at points. It's not noticeable whatsoever in normal gameplay, but it will throw you off when kicking. Lost me the game on a 56 yard field goal that bounced off the bottom bar. And I had 98% power instead of my usual 100%, partly because the bar was so choppy in its rise and fall to full power and back. Made me not want to buy the game for myself. Besides the fact that EA is charging extra for online access now.
^i've noticed the studder when kicking too but only online. Offline matches are silky smooth.

EA's online sucks in every single game though.

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