What's your favorite game to play stoned?

When I'm high, sometimes all I want to do is be a black man cruising around the California countryside in sweet rides listening to some tunes. That is kind of impossible, so playing GTA: San Andreas is the next best thing available to that.
Question arises: why get high in the first place?

Meh, pardon for the question ... just I'm more for no - drug then yes - gimme' more - drug type.

Don't know, have tried weed though, I won't hide it. But I just don't see the point in it.
Kijan said:
Question arises: why get high in the first place?

You could ask someone who drinks the same question. Why drink? Some people like the way it feels to be drunk and some like the feeling of being high. Some things feel or taste better when high, and pretty much everything is funnier.

I know I prefer to be high to being drunk because usually when people are drunk they are just sloppier in general. Plus using a drug that doesn't make me addicted to it is also a bonus.
Hey, I know this topic involves inebriation, but let's try to keep gaming the main focus. If we want another "Do You Smoke?" or "Weed vs. Alcohol" topic then please make one in Misc. Stay on-topic here.
I think being under the influence is the only time to play Rock Band. Makes singing much easier, everything else much harder.
I have never been stoned, but what about Bangai-O Spirits when high?
Even though I never played that game.
StalfrosCC said:
Forgiven. You were probably high.

Haha! Im in Iraq dude, not too much weed circulating around out here. Well maybe but I wouldnt ask a hadji to sell me weed. It might have c4 in it or something.

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