Whatever happened to virtual reality?


I miss that Virtual reality craze in the 90's. I can remember at my arcade lining up to play 5 minutes of a game where you wore this helmet thingy and were immersed into a game full off blocky polygons, shooting each other with a gun in your hands. This technology never went anywhere and was simply just a a fad.

I know we're taking steps into 3D gaming and graphics today look incredible. I'd say sometimes we're even spoiled when it comes to graphics once the initial "wow" factor wares off from our first experience playing a next gen console. But I was always intrigued by the idea of actually stepping into the game via virtual reality. You weren't just looking into a screen, you were looking up, down left and right.

I'm sure the idea has a lot of cons, especially when you look at possible psychological side-effects and losing one's grasp on reality. But I'd say the majority of us are sane and know The Matrix was just a movie.

So is virtual reality something game developers should pursue in the near future? Or does it belong in the 90's with The Running Man dance, Eight-Ball leather jackets and Saved by the Bell?
Motion controls? I know it's not quite the same as the old arcade machines VR but it's smaller, in your house and cheaper. Or I could be missing something.
WickedLiquid said:
Motion controls are a type of interactive gaming but they don't bring you into the gaming world.

But it is a step in the right direction. The logical next step in the process is virtual reality, putting a pair of glasses or a helmet on, being able to move freely, and seeing the response in the virtual world. In my opinion, they go hand in hand, and once they have motion controls perfected, or close to, they'll likely start moving towards another element to bring an overall virtual experience to fruition.

I'm looking forward to it myself. The day when you go into an empty room, strap on some kind of visual system, put on some kind of motion detectors, and get actually immersed into the world, with your ever move being responded. Pure awesomeness.

However, this style of gaming would likely be far more susceptible to complaints than others before it. It would be easy to paint somebody as being too plugged in, too immersed. That is what moderation is for though.

Good topic!
Also what about AR on 3DS and Vita. Again I know it's not the same thing but it's pretty damn cool and sort of similar.
kingg5 said:
Virtual Boy killed the virtual star.

Pretty much.

I'm still waiting for technology where you can stick your hand into your computer and bitch slap trolls.
I dunno, virtual reality makes me nervous. I always imagine putting the helmet on, playing the game. Then when I get game over I take the helmet off and find out I'm in some Scottish guy's portaloo.

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