What the Fudge...


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...is THIS?!?!


Obviously being released in accordance to the film coming out. (They've tried to make him look like Jake Gyllenhaal, which is even worse)! But they're going back to the Sands of Time Trilo-....series. Apparently it's taking place between Sands Of Time and Warrior Within. To date, Warrior Within is my favourite Prince game by an epic mile. In the trailer, it KINDA looks like he's being chased by something...Dahaka-esque. So it could be similar.

I'm quite annoyed they're not continuing the 2008 Prince of Persia, because I loved the exploration, graphics and detail in that game. Plus I want to know what happened.

Anyway, May 2010 is when "The Forgotten Sands" is coming out. What do you think?
I read about this a few months back. I have a feeling Ubisoft is writing a different storyline than the movie, which looks like an abortion of the original Sands of Time plot. Fingers crossed until I hear otherwise?

I do kind of wish they'd continue with the new PoP story though, Matt's right, the graphics were fantastic, even if it was a bit too easy (come on, you can't really die). Granted, Nolan North was pretty badass as the voice for the Prince
Are they making a game based off a movie which is based off a game?

That doesn't sound promising
I think he gets the timing. It's just why did they go back to the Sands of time triology? They could've just carried on the 2008 story with just the same effect in cash-ins etc. In fact, I reckon it would've sold more if they did. I dont think a lot of fans will be too happy about The Forgotten Sands!
the PoP of 08 was definitely the most stylish, fun and musically interesting of all the recent ones that I've played.

Boo. :(

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